Chapter 7!

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** Janet P.O.V**

I slip on some Blue Jeans and a red Tee-shirt. While waiting for Katrina to get ready, I call Chad

Chad- Wassup Janet

Janet- Chad i need you to watch Riley, Misha and Sergei

Chad- Okay, but who are Misha and Sergei?

Janet- my best friend Katrina's children. Were going to a bar tonight

Chad- alright, drop em off on your way to the bar

Janet: Okay Bye Chad

I hang up and the door to our room opens as Katrina steps out. She was wearing a long sleeve gray shirt and a pair of jeans. She was gorgeous

"Are you ready to go?" Katrina asks me

"Y-yea Chad said he would babysit" I reply

"Alright, let's go" Katrina answers

"Kids! Are you ready to go to your uncle  Chad's?" I yell out

"Da!" Misha and Sergei reply but there was no reply from Riley

"Where's Riley?" I ask the boys

"She went to room a few minutes ago" Sergei answers

Before I could head to their room I heard a knock at the door, I open the door to see Chad

"Chad? What are you doing here?" I ask

"Hey Janet I decided to come here to babysit" Chad answered

"Oh okay, Riley went to sleep so it's just the boys" I reply

Before Chad could reply Katrina walks into the room

"Who was at the door Janet?" Katrina then looks up to see Chad

"H...ey Ka...trina.. you look..stunning" Chad stutters out

"Thank you Chad but I have a girlfriend" Katrina answers

"You do? Who is she?" I ask, stunned

"I'll tell you later, let's get going" Katrina answers.

"Okay" I reply

Katrina climbs into the drivers side of her Jeep and I climb into the passengers side, she starts to drive

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend.." I say, still stunned

"I don't have a girlfriend yet" Katrina responds

"Then why did you tell Chad you did?" I ask

"He was hitting on me and I have crush" Katrina answers

"Oh okay, so where is this bar?" I ask

"It is right down street, only 5 minutes away" Katrina answers

A few minutes later she pulls up to a building with a sign that read "Aussie's Bar". I get out and help Katrina out as well. We go into the bar holding hands and go up to where the bartender was

"Can we get 200 shots of Vodka?" Asks Katrina

"Of course ladies" the bartender answers, an Australian accent in his voice

A few moments later we get our shots.

"Drinking Contest?" I ask

"Da. Whoever drinks 100 shots first wins" Katrina answers

"3, 2, 1, GO!" Katrina shouts as she began to drink the shots

I begin to take my shots, Katrina beating me. I was at 15 and she was at 20. I began to take the shots faster, and by the time I had finished I couldn't stand up. I sat down as Katrina ordered 200 more shots

"Hahaha you winnnn" I tell Katrina as we do our 6th contest

"Thank youuuuuu comradeeeee" she replies with a laugh

Once we had finished our 6th contest Katrina pins me up against a wall and began to give me small kisses on my neck, I grab her face and begin to trace it, her perfectly shaped Jawline, with those red lips and dark blue eyes. The caramel coloured hair with red bottom tips and blonde top tips stood out with that black and red beanie. I instantly began to kiss her, allowing my tongue to explore the inside of her mouth. We stayed this way for what felt like forever but was most likely only a few moments. I looked up and realized Marie had walked into the bar and saw us kissing, I instantly pull away from a very confused Katrina. Marie walks up to us

"Hello Janet, Katrina, having a little fun over here?" Marie asks, an evil look in her eyes

"Shutup you washed up bobble head version of Marilyn Monroe" Katrina replied basically taking the words out of my mind

"Wow your drunk. I didn't think Russians could get drunk" Marie replies, ignoring Katrina's insult

"Do you ever shut up or is your goal in life to not" I reply, drunk off my ass

"Wow Janet you've really let yourself go, no wonder you moved in with someone you just met" Marie replied with a slight laugh

I check the time, it was 11:38 p.m.

"Lets get going Katrina it's getting late" I  tell Katrina

"Da, I'm driving" Katrina answers

"No your drunk let me drive" I manage to get out, my surroundings were getting blurry

"I'm driving" Katrina replied as she grabs my hand.

Katrina leads me out of the bar and helps me into my seat, I thank her, my surroundings completely blurry

**Katrina P.O.V**

I climb into the drivers side of my jeep and begin to drive away. I just couldn't seem to stay on the road, luckily it was night and all that were out was a few people I hit with my car. Once Janet and I had arrived back home I park my jeep and we go inside.

"We're back!" Janet yells out as we make our way upstairs

Chad comes out of the living room "are you two drunk?" He asks

"Da" I reply

"Oh God. The little dudes are in bed, you two need help up the stairs?" Asks Chad

"No we will make it, thanks for watching kids Chad" I reply

"No problem, see you guys later" Chad replies as he exits the house

I begin to help Janet upstairs, the second we reach our room we shut the door and plop down on the bed

"Janet?" I ask

"Yea Katrina?" She replies, clearly drunk

"What are you?" I ask

"I'm a human" she laughs

"No like who are you attracted to?" I ask

"Well i don't know yet Katrina i thought i was straight but I've been thinking i might be gay" she answers

I take a swig of Vodka and at this point I was almost about to pass out. I forgot I was talking to Janet

"Hey come here" I say with a laugh

**Janet P.O.V**

I scoot closer to Katrina

"Yea?" I respond

"Dont tell Janet ok?" Katrina tells me

"Haha I am Janet Katrina" I answer

"I'm in love with Janet" Katrina tells me

"What?! Your in love with me?!" I ask

"Shhhh don't say that so loud Janet will hear you!" She replied right before she passes out onto the bed.

I grab her vodka and take a swig myself as I too pass out and land on top of Katrina

1,123 words!


Hey guys! Sorry this wasn't as long as some of the chapters are lol. The next chapter should be out today but idk. I'm sorry I took so long to publish this one I have been up all night and my brain is fuzzy. See you all in the next chapter and have a nice day! - author <3

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