Good morning to you too.

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I awake to the sound of Tony and a low and husky yet unidentifiable voice arguing from outside my door.

God, why does Tony always have to get into fights.

I glance down at my golden wristwatch to see that the time was approaching 7am, very much too early to be dealing with Mr Stark and the by-products of his painfully childish behaviour. Not caring for my rather insubstantial sleepwear, I peel myself from the warm covers of my bed and head to check the commotion.

"Tony will you please shut u-" I speak as I open my door, only to be greeted with a knife thrown towards my face - however upon instinct I catch it - with my magic, glancing down at a nail that I noticed to be chipped as I moved my hand.

"Would you look at that." I mutter to myself, blissfully ignorant to the two men standing in front of me, sensing their confusion and surprisal - well only Tony's confusion, which immediately catches my attention. I could not sense the presence or the emotions of the other man, so instinctively my eyes begin to travel up his other-worldly attire - a dark green and golden armour, fit for a king, my first thought. His perfectly slicked-back, raven hair barely brushing his heavily plated shoulders.

As my eyes meet his alarmingly vacant green ones, I cannot help but feel intimidated. A knowing smirk forms on his lips, subtle to anyone but me, who he could tell was currently studying his every crease profusely. Though I avert my eyes almost as quickly as I caught the knife, the feeling of not sensing another still settled horribly within me, the rarest of occurrences that I had never experienced before.

"I - erm, excuse me." I stutter out, running a hand through my loose and messy curls as I walk past the two, not looking back. Not even feeling his eyes on me as I walk around the corner, a silence consuming the part of me that never stops, painfully intriguing in its manner. His manner. I shake my head, biting my lower lip as I smile toward Steve and Nat who had obviously just finished with a morning training session.

"Good mornin' Y/n," Steve says as he wipes his face with a crisp white towel, then handing it to Nat who shoves it back in his face scoffing. I can't help the little giggle at their actions, earning a smile from the both of them.

"Good morning guys!" I smirk. The residents here knew how I enjoyed morning formalities for they remind me of home. A place we all missed even though it seemed, for the most of us, home was either severely dysfunctional or far too long for us to remember. Mine being neither, though. Forever embedded in my memory, and perhaps too perfectly functioning. But I've never been one for perfection.

Nat smiles, "Sleep well?" she asks.

"Amazing until I woke up to a knife thrown in my face." I roll my eyes. I sense both of their shock, but immediately it is overtaken by inquisition. "Tony and some man, never seen him before though. Long dark hair, sort of ridiculous armour for the sake of the US."

They both look at each other at the same time.

"Loki's back, it seems." Tony says from behind me. His voice heavily irritated.

"Who's Loki?" I question, reading the contempt that fills the air with curiosity. Yet I am met only with silence for a minute or two. "Erm? Earth to Avengers?"

"Oh, yea sorry Y/n." Tony says as he types away on one of his gadgets.

"Loki is Thor's psycho brother. Tried to take over New York a few years ago."

Akraisa; A Loki x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now