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Hermione P.O.V

I woke up for the second time today I noticed that I was alone in Charlie's and Bill's room. I stretch and stand up. I head downstairs to see Harry and Ron muttering something to each other while the others are playing exploding snap with each other.  

Harry signals for me to come over. I reluctantly make my way over and sit next to Harry. 

"What's going on?" I ask looking between the two of them.

"We have to go on the run to find horcruxes to defeat You-know-who and we can't tell anyone."

"Are those Dumbledore's orders?" Harry nods. I sigh.

"Alright. When do we leave?" Harry doesn't look at me.

"The sooner we leave the better." I nod.

"I'll go and pack and we'll plan something ok?" Harry and Ron nod.

I head upstairs and pack clothes and potions and anything I think we might need for being gone. I don't know how long we'll be gone so I pack spares.

When I'm finished I head down to the living room I sit on the couch and start reading. I feel the space beside me dip. I look next to me to see Charlie.

"Hi." He smiles and kisses me.

"Hey." I smile and kiss him back. I feel fireworks all over my body just from the kiss. I pull away to see a furious looking Ron.

"What's going on here?"

"That's none of your business Ronald." I say irritated.

"You just kissed my older brother so I'm pretty sure it is my business." Ron says glaring at me.

"What goes on with me and Hermione is our business Ron and for the record. She's allowed to kiss anyone she wants because incase you forgot you cheated and broke up with her. I don't see why she's smart, funny, beautiful, kind and she's so much better than that Lavender girl." Charlie says and sends me a wink. I can feel a blush creep up on my cheeks.

"Whatever. You know what?" He says looking me in the eye. "I'm glad I cheated on you. You'll always be a filthy little mudblood." My heart stopped. Sure I had been called that names a lot when I was at Hogwarts but for someone who I thought was my best friend to say it hurt a lot. 

"You know what rot in hell Ron." I slap him and run out, leaving the Burrow. I ran and ran blocking out the yells from the others. I kept running until I couldn't run anymore. I break down into sobs. I felt like I couldn't breathe because of the ache in my chest. I try to forget about what Ron said but every time I do it replay's in my mind. I find an abandoned house and decide to stay there until things cool off. But there was a problem. Harry and Ron are meant to be running away soon. I sigh shakily and find my way to Hogsmeade and buy a few bottles of fire whiskey before going back to the abandoned house. I sit in the corner of the room and open my first bottle of fire whiskey. I just had to forget everything. I took a swig and then another and another. Before I knew it I was on my third bottle before I blacked out.  


Charlie P.O.V

After Ron called Hermione that cruel name she slapped him and ran out I glared at him before trying to catch up to her. I sprinted downstairs and Ginny, Fred, George and Harry noticed me.

"Charlie what's going on?" Ginny asks with a worried expression. 

"Hermione ran out after Ron called her a ..." They all catch on and quickly run outside and we all start running in different directions in search of Hermione.


After about an hour of searching for Hermione none of us had any luck. I feel worry rise up inside of me. I start pacing around when my mum and dad walk in.

"What's going on?"  Mum asks and we all look at each other.

"Ron called Hermione a..." Ginny starts.

"A what?" Mum starts tapping her foot.

"Well you know the whole blood status thing and how muggleborns are referred to as mud...." Ginny says not really wanting to say it. Mum turns red with fury and shouts up the stairs.

"RONALD BILLIUS WEASLEY GET DOWN HERE AT ONCE." Ron runs down the stairs and notices everyone looking at him.

"What's going on?" He asks looking at mum.

I see anger flash on my mothers features.


Ron looks at his feet.

"She started it." He mumbled. 

"Oh and what did she call you then Ronald?" Mum says a brow raised.

"She didn't call me anything she kissed Charlie and told me it was none of my business on what was going on between them."

Mum scoffs. 

"That doesn't give you any right to call her what you did. I thought your father and I raised you better than that but clearly not." 

"I'm sorry." Ron mumbles.

"We're not the ones you should be apologizing to." We all  walk out and go to our own bedrooms and try to get some sleep.

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