The break up

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Charlie P.O.V

Me and Ginny were sat in an awkward silence when Ron suddenly came back into the living room without Hermione.

"Where's Hermione?" I hear Ginny say.

"She apparated away after I spoke to her." Ron turned to leave not really wanting to talk about what had happened with Hermione.

"What did you say?" I ask while the anger starts to build up inside of me.

"I broke up with her alright?! Why do you want to know anyway?" He walks up to me and tries to make himself look powerful but it doesn't work.

"Because we are her friends." Ginny stands in the middle of us before we end up attacking each other.

"Right. That's hard to believe because when Charlie met Hermione he couldn't take his eyes off her and that was when we were together." with that he storms off.

"We should look for Hermione." Ginny weakly smiles at me.

"Ok." I go upstairs and take a quick shower and get ready. When I walk downstairs I see Ginny and Harry waiting for me. They are sharing a kiss. I smirk and come up behind them.

"Get a room lovebirds." Ginny jumps in fright and Harry looks at me with a blush visible. I laugh at their loss for words.

"Anyway are you helping us find Hermione, Harry?

"U-um yeah." 

"Ok then let's go." with that we apparate to Hogsmeade and start searching for the brunette witch.

"I'm going to check Borgin and Burkes."

"Ok we'll check Flourish and Blotts."

We all split and looked for Hermione everywhere except Three broomsticks.

"I really hope she's here." I say feeling worry build up.

"Me too." We all walk into three broomsticks and I spotted Hermione almost instantly. She was slightly drunk and talking to a guy with curly hair. They were flirting with each other. I felt jealousy rise up within me. Wait what why am I jealous of Hermione flirting with someone else.  I couldn't help but stare. Ginny and Harry followed my gaze and looked at each other shocked.

"Hermione's with Cormac?"

"But I thought she hates Cormac."

"She does." We all went over and Ginny lightly tapped Hermione on the shoulder. She turned around and smiled at us.

"Oh hey you guys what's up?" 

"Hermione what are you doing here with Cormac?"

"Cormac?" She looked at the figure beside her. "You lied to me." 

He smirks slyly. 

"Maybe I did and maybe I didn't."

Hermione looked hurt.

"Hey don't feel down -" Before he could finish his sentence Hermione punched him right in the jaw.

"That's for lying you pig." She left three broomsticks with us on her tail. She turned around and faced us.

"That felt good."

"Good? It was bloody brilliant 'Mione." Ginny said and we all laughed.

Hermione soon stopped laughing and sighed.

"What's wrong?" I ask her. 

"It's just I have nowhere to stay now because I can't stay at the Burrow because Ron is there and I can't even look at him right now.  And..."

She hesitated for a moment.


"And my parents were killed in my childhood house by death eaters. I found them dead yesterday in my bedroom."

"Oh my gosh Hermione. I'm so sor-"

"Don't worry about it Gin it's just life. Others have it worse I'm sure."

"I have an idea." I say looking at her. She nods her head as to tell me to continue.

"You could stay with me in Romania. I leave in about 3 days. that is if you want." 

"You would do that for me?" She looks at me with a shocked expression.

"Of course." Before I know it she is hugging me. I can smell her strawberry shampoo and it makes me not want to let her go. Ginny and Harry are smirking at each other with knowing looks. Eventually we pull away.

"Well what are we waiting for let's go pack." Hermione holds my hand excitedly. After that we all apparate to the Burrow and pack.  

The day we metHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin