Chapter 18

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"Indeed you all have come." The Abyss Herald trumpeted. 

Amell convoked the power of Electro to respond to his resurging clamor soon as he heard its voice managing to quake the area. The winds turned harsher but the dust had already settled. He had wished all his life to meet the one who took away the person he'd treated as a father figure. 

Looking up close, its size was indomitable and complexion mystifyingly riddling. Amell heard Diluc blurting out 'Abyss Herald'. The name fitted this abomination perfectly well. 

Amell bucked his knees forward, intuitively feeling he needed the momentum to leap away in case it charged at him sporadically. Who even knew what kinds of monsters the Abyss Order kept hidden? Diluc centralized himself by the forefront and aimed the tip of his claymore to the Herald, a scowl naturally forming on his face. 

This was what broke Amell mentally at one point in his youth. The very thing that caused him to feel a plethora of emotions he didn't want to cluster in his dreams. Jean never felt so compelled to rush by his side but she needed to understand the timing. One wrong step and she'd be minced meat under this hellish being's tidal blade. 

"Ragnvindr, your legacy is insipid like Teyvat's perpetual winds. You dare to trample upon our mission to bring a new peace unto the land," Its voice boomed, crystal-like shrilling emitted on its dark blue texture. "You have brought the supposed Grand Master of your home to cross swords against us. Mighty reckless of you men to bring along the mother hen of your people."

Diluc grunted. "We've been constantly receiving more of your annoying henchmen the past few weeks. Anyone would be pressed to act especially when they threaten a nation." He gripped his claymore tightly, his knuckles cracking unheard. "I'd chat more but I need answers from your persistent behavior. What are you planning? Your intentions? I've heard nothing more than a few cackles from your goons in abundance."

"Considering that you think yourself intelligible, perhaps you should already have figured me out from what I said earlier," The Abyss Herald mocked him.

"You!" Amell yelled out, causing everyone to be startled. It was a standstill with everyone's weapons exposed. "What happened to my master?! Where did you take him?! Do you know Zhongli?!"

The Herald stopped for a second before bursting out maniacally laughing. The hilichurls danced in an effort to needle at Amell's rash choice to lash out with his words. Even the Ruin Guards stood in their place, wanting nothing more than to lay out destruction in this reality.

"Who are you?" It asked Amell. "Who is this man you're calling a master? There is only one true being that deserves such a title. It is a shame you haven't been taught properly by this world."

"Amell, calm down!" Diluc pushed Amell back with his palm. 

"Since you all deserve answers, I will gladly provide you one crucial hint."

Amell's heart froze when he heard the next few words.

"Mondstadt bids you farewell."

A powerful light submerged the area into a full white before everything became clear again. Amell opened his eyes, clenching his polearm to notice that all the monsters had vanished along with the Herald.

"Amell! We have to hurry back to Mondstadt!" Jean commanded, pulling at him to run. 

Amell couldn't hear anything. He only heard static. Amell couldn't understand what they were talking about. He was still in a state of blindness. He just knew they were trading verbal blows about what could've been done and prepared for.

"That thing lured us!" Jean pointed out the obvious. "It knew we were going to storm their camp!"

"Relax Jean, I knew this was coming," Diluc replied.

"A- What?" Jean stopped in her tracks, her knights replicating her ceased movement. "If you knew, you could have told me..."

"If the Order hypothetically took you away, you'd have something to tell them. I didn't want to risk it until we finished..." Diluc claimed.

"You know I'd never betray your trust!"

"Well, I apologize for making haste with my decisions. I will tell you all of what I know when we get back. For now, you just have to understand Mondstadt is safe and their plan of destroying it has failed."

Jean stomped off, not completely satisfied but relieved to hear those words.

There was no mistaking that was the same Abyss Herald that forced Zhongli to enter the portal. There was no other way.

They hurried back to headquarters. 

"That Abyss Mage we caged was a ticking time bomb?" 

Diluc sat on the sofa, breathing through his mouth with a sigh. Jean severed herself from any foul thoughts right now. Diluc was sitting on the very same sofa where she and Amell got a little carried away. She dared not to blush and focus on the task at hand.

Amell, on the other hand, was still silent the whole time. He stayed by the door side and refused to say a word with a contemplative expression. 

"And how did you find this out by yourself?" Jean asked.

"The Order's been deliberately sending us random signals to throw us off. They would stay in different locations to catch us off guard and lead our attention away from the city. It somehow worked when you left the city to help us earlier. It almost worked but we were one step ahead." Diluc said. "Just so you know, I was aware you took down one of them and tried all kinds of interrogation tactics. Abyss Mages tend to fess quickly but the Order's been strengthening their will by force."

"And when did you get rid of the mage we captured?"

Diluc simply stated, "When I saw signs of combustion, I reached out to Kaeya and some other acquaintances to plant it somewhere else."

"Somewhere else would be?"

"A land without civilization," Diluc said. "I can show you the damage it caused if you want?"

"No need... But I will reconsider when my mind's refurbished again..."

"But who is to say that it's only our city being attacked?" Diluc suggested. "We're not the only targets here, after all."

"Are you saying they're planning to do this to Liyue too?" Amell finally spoke.

Diluc's expression was all the confirmation he needed.

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