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The wind whipped past my face so fast that it stung my plump cheeks. My eyes watered and my chest shook with fear as I gazed out towards the country line of our kingdom. My big hazel eyes were blown wide as I watched the silhouettes of dragons and big men draw nearer. The tiny knuckles that dug into my mother's cloak were as pale as her face. My mother, eyes of gold and hair like russet silk, gawked at my father like a beautiful fish. She clung to my body for life, keeping me pinned to her bosom. My father stood proud and strong, facing the intruders, worry lines creasing in his firm expression. I was too small to have any powers yet, still just a child, however, that didn't hinder me from feeling the static pop and cackle in the air as father readied himself to protect his kingdom.

"Is it the barbarians?" My mother asked in a whisper as if the invaders would hear her ask such a question.

My father turned his gaze to us, his dark, rock-like brown eyes flickered with the magic he wielded. He placed a strong hand on my mother's face and pulled her in for a kiss so passionate that it embarrassed me, causing me to shield my face so I wouldn't intrude on their intimate moment.

"The rumors of their new king being a dragon shifter must be true" Father replied, confirming my mother's fears.

"What of the rumors of bloodshed, do they ring any truth?" She asked, hugging me tighter.

Father looked at me, relaxing his face. I would never fear my father, he was a kind king, committed to his wife, daughter, and people. I wanted this moment to go away, I didn't want to be here looking out on our doom, I wanted to be in the garden twirling and dancing with father as mother sewed crystals into a new dress. It wasn't polite to eavesdrop, though it was something I did often. I've heard the rumors of a dragon king killing off kingdoms in a single night, leaving only a few behind who would soon come to follow him, for they had nowhere else to go. I pictured my home burning, the lush green forests and colorful little houses reduced to nothing but cinder. A lump worked itself up into my throat and I wanted to cry. Father smoothed his large hand over my head and pulled me from my mother's arms, wrapping me in his embrace. He smelled like crisp clean air, the kind that you would cherish on a mountain or perhaps the tallest tree.

"They have come for us as well, the last village of mages were taken out in less than a single night," father said grievously "I can't let them just take our home so easily, they will have to fight for it."

Sobs racked my poor mother's body, she threw herself into both of us, taking me from father and curling me back into her arms once more.

"Now is not the time my love, Chiara, you must flee with our daughter to the next kingdom over, warn them of what's to come, and evacuate. We both have signed a treaty with the elves, they should house us mages for the time being."

A swirling vortex opened behind us, one of father's men mustering up all of his energy to open it. Its deep inky pools swirled about in the air, it looked uninviting, and I did not want to leave my father. A dragon's roar erupted over the land and then all hell broke loose on my home. The vortex dissipated as quickly as it formed, the man working the magic brought to his knees by an intense shock wave that blasted throughout our castle. We've wasted too much time, my mother's hesitation cost us precious moments that we could have used to escape, not that I blamed her, I didn't want to leave my father either. Father opened his mouth to issue another command, taking off his silk midnight cloak to engage in battle. Small spell books and charms dangled non-threateningly by his leather belt, fooling the ignorant eye. The words never made it past his lips as another rumble shook our home. A giant clawed foot rested on our balcony, then another landed firmly on the window. By the multiple shakes, we could only assume we were being surrounded by dragons. I was horrified beyond any means, my emotions daring to spill out at any second. To my complete surprise, I was astonished by how beautiful the scales on the beast were. Its talons were long, giant, and dangerously sharp, yet its foot shone bright red and glistened orange as the light hit it, much like a flame would. The clawed appendage morphed and cracked as a human man slowly took the place of the beast. My heart slowed its pace, not that the man was any less frightening than the beast itself. He stood at a height that towered over my father, whom I considered up until this point to be a really large man. He wore no shirt, letting the cords of muscle that adorned his body be exposed freely. Deep, pink scars littered his skin, and he wore them proudly. He smiled, flashing his fanged teeth, which were as sharp as his still taloned nails. His ruby eyes shined with a knowing glint, it didn't matter that he wasn't on his land, he had the upper hand here. He stalked towards us much like a lion would stalk its prey, the bones that decorated his necklace clanged and rattled around.

Raenair Trilogy: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now