Chapter 1

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Drew fell on his knees as the vengeful ghost rushed out of him. The ghost had possessed him, knocked him unconscious, and forced him to do things that he would have never done with full control of his body. Now, he lay on the cold tiling of the haunted mansion he and Jake had visited, panting as blood gushed out of his body, complete with wounds and cuts that the possession forced upon him.

Jake ran by his side, tears threatening to spill out of his brown eyes. 'They still look beautiful as ever. I wish I could have known my beautiful friend longer,' Drew thought to himself as he turned his head with effort to Jake. Jake's lip trembled as he knelt beside a badly hurt Drew. A choke escaped Jake, the tears, not yet.

"Dr- Drew," he stuttered, taking a deep breath to try and calm himself, "Let's get you out of here."

Drew noticed that Jake was trying his best to remain strong for him. He knew that Jake thought he was scared, that Drew didn't know that he would very likely die. 'Thoughtful... That's why I love him. That's why I chose him to be my friend. My best friend,' Drew said to himself. He raised a hand up before Jake.

"Shh..." Drew said, "Don't hide your emotions, it's not healthy."

Jake's brows creased into a frown and tears finally leaked out of his eyes. He took Drew's hand in his and grasped it tightly.

"I'm doing it for you, you Idiot!" he yelled, his voice terribly pained.

Drew's heart felt a pang of sadness for the crying boy, and he forced himself to sit up, groaning in the process. He placed his hand on Jake's chest, a calming gesture.

"I'll tr... try visit you, even if I'm pronounced dead, I'll find a way t- to get back to you," Drew smiled, though speaking made him hurt even more.

Jake's eyes widened and he shook his head quickly, violently shaking. Drew could see the denial in his eyes. Jake was trying to fight off the reality that Drew wouldn't survive this, the ordeal had been too much for a mere 16 year old boy to handle.

"You won't die! You'll stay with me Drew!" Jake cried out loud, wrapping strong arms around the weakened boy.

Drew relaxed in Jake's embrace, his emotions getting the best of him. Drew started to sob quietly too. He realised that maybe... this would be the last time he'd see Jake's face. No more friendly smiles and bromantic kisses from him, no more playful banter, no more of him and Jake. Jake would be left alone. He wanted him to move on, but he wanted Jake for himself. 'An inner conflict while your own body is conflicting with yourself, huh Drew?' he asked himself in forced amusement.

Drew felt that breathing was now harder for him, but he tried his best not to panic Jake anymore than the taller boy already was and tried to keep himself as steady as possible. He leaned his head, which was gradually become dizzier, on Jake's shoulder.

"Hey Jay..." he said, slurring on the words now as blood pumped out of him faster, "I lo.. you."

Jake's frowned, trying to make sense of what he was saying. Jay... Drew was obviously trying to say his name. 'Lo'? Jake gasped silently as the realisation hit. He was saying he loved him... or in other words... saying goodbye.

"No no no no no," Jake muttered under his breath at a panicky speed, "Dre- Drew?"

Jake felt the Drew's breathing slow... and come to a stop.

"Drew?" Jake lay the boy's body down on the floor again, quickly placing his hand over Drew's heart.

There wasn't a pulse.

He was gone.

"Drew... DREW, DREW NO," Jake yelled out to the silent room, voice echoing off the chamber walls.

Jake bent down, crying onto Drew's body, tears staining Drew's hoodie more than it already was stained by the blood and dirt. 'He can't be dead..! He's here, he's just faking it, he- he's...' Jake's mind spiralled into a mix of confusion, anger, pain, and resentment, now unable to think for an excuse.

Drew was dead, and he wasn't coming back.

Jake snarled, as he remembered who had sent him here. Hailey and Zander, trying to get rid of Drew for bullying them months ago. Jake's laugh was low at first, though it wasn't at all a happy sound, something Drew would have hated to hear if he had been alive. His laugh rose a few decibels, turning into a mad cackle.

"Hailey, Zander!" his voice rang, sounding like a psychotic melody, "I can't wait to see your graves!"

As Jake laughed on, rambling and ranting on how he would get revenge on the step-siblings, a cold wind rushed passed him, but in the wind, one could feel sadness behind it. But wind has no sadness, it wasn't supposed to.

That's because this was more than wind.

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