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"Clay is that you?"I scream into the dark empty house happy to hear someone was here.
"Clay?" I say with confusion "Kalee?" A deeper voice said sounding forced. "H-hello?" I stuttered a bit while turning on a light.

I run to the door confused on why it went silent and I couldn't seem to see anyone. "D-dad? Is that you??!" I freaked myself out.

The lights started flickering  "HELLO??" I yell as I fling the door open and hear giggling I stop in my tracks "very funny. Nick get out of my house clays not home..." I say embarrassed as ever.

"Ugh whatever where is he?" He asked and I followed by a shrug, I was wondering the same thing.

"I don't know where anyone is actually I'm kinda glad your here no ones been here or talked to me and I thought my dad found me! Stop scaring me tho please" I said quietly. My door flung open and freaked both of us out.

"HEY" clay screamed into the empty house causing an echo. "Heyyyyyy" Nick screamed back "well hello there" I said with a laugh.

"I wanted to help you make your house feel like a home and comfy, so I came to help" he said grinning from ear to ear with a blanket in his hands.

I smiled at him "aw that's nice of you!come on in" I said happily as the door opened up further again all of our heads turned. "Oh and I brought help" a tall fluffy brown haired boy stood in the door way, "hi" he said sorta shyly. I waved at him and smiled.

"Kalee, this is Karl, Karl this is kalee my sister" clay said as Karl waved to me and I smiled.

After a few hours of setting stuff up and making it feel nice we all sat on my new couch and watched a movie.

^on the couch ^

I could tell he was nervous sitting next to me as he put his arm to his side and it touched my thigh. The tension in the air. I moved over  so he felt closer but he leaned his head on my shoulder so I thought maybe he wasn't nervous.

He put his head up and as my eyes were on the tv screen I felt as if someone was starting at me, I looked over and Karl is staining at me. He quickly looked away when I looked at him and I started giggling.


Far.(OC)Kaleexkarl Jacobs <3حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن