Flashbacks of the past

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[No one POV*]

Damian was just relaxing in the cave while everyone was out. He hasn't been here in a while...Damian and Bruce couldn't get along, even though Damian was already planning to give up Robin, Bruce decided to plan to earlier. Which means Bruce fired Damian, for being go reckless, earlier then Damian wanted. Which caused problems, because Damian had his own replacement ready and Bruce took her before Damian could even blink. Damian has gotten over it, it's been over almost three years, he has nothing against Carrie at all, they're great [Does anyone know Carrie's pronouns, idk, I heard someone call carrie they/them???] But Bruce...Damian's own father acts like he doesn't exist, that he was nothing but a took to him.

[Damian pov* flashback still]

'Uhhh, they're taking so longgg', Damian thought to himself, waiting for batman and Robin to return. The only reason he even agreed to come, was because he was promised field action. But Batman said no, and he was staying in and had no choice. PRICK. This asswhole of a man, acts like I doesn't exist and then what? Makes me come and tells me what to do?? I hope he gets what he deserves...getting his ass kicked.

Waiting here is so boring, Damian thought once more as he opened his phone to text someone or just scroll through Instagram. Damian opened a message from 'Farm boy', "You home yet?", Damian read, "Nope, bats decided I should stay in the cave on com duty", Damian replied back. "Aw, that sucks.we were suppose to watch the new episodes of that show you love", Jon Pretty much whined over text. "Hey how do you think I feel.", Damian texted before turning off his phone. 30 more minutes and then I'm out, Damian kept telling himself.

[No one pov* flash back still*]

All of a sudden everything started to shake, falling all over the place. The bat Computer started to blink, with everything else following. Damian had no idea what to do, so he quickly pressed the emergency button before everything went white and Damian couldn't see.

[Out of Flashback* No one POV*]

As Damian got dressed into Tim's clothes, he looked at himself. He looked like a mess, all things considering. A sexy mess, but a mess nonetheless. And Tim's clothes were so lame, they gave off Rich nerdy vibes. But Damian could make them work. Don't ask how, but Damian found a cute jacket to pair with the outfit. As Damian was in there, attempting to put his nose ring back in before it closed, a knock interrupted him.

"Hey Dames?", a Voice came. RICHARD, Damian thought. "Yes?", Damian replied, waiting for an answer. "Are you okay?", Dick asked, "Yes, wonderful. Why?", Damain replied trying to gather his things. "Its just, you've been in there a while..", Dick said, ready to kick the door open if Trouble detected. "Yeah..Uh sorry", Damian said as he opened the door to reveal, Dick standing there looking rather worried.

Damian and Dick walked into the lounge part of the cave, some couches were already there. "Oh..I forgotten that this use go be here", Future Damian said, as he looked around. "What is it now?", Tim asked. "A smoothie bar", Damian replied [Damian=future Dami=present] Silence followed that. "A What...?", Jay asked, "Uh Carrie decided-", Everyone turned their head to the side in confusion, "Right...Sorry..Carrie is the Future robin and my like best-", Damian said, everyone stared dumbfounded.

"Right moving on...", Dick said, trying to avoid more awakwad silence. "Tell us, Hows the future?", Dick asked, clearly wanted to know more. "Uh...Its okay...I have my own apartment..With rommates. I paint, and I smoke weed all the time- ", Damian, realizing he just exposed himself..like an idiot. "Weed..Smoke?", Tim tried to ask, While Jason Laughed. Dick was in shock, and Dami was stunned he would even do that. "ARE YOU BATMAN YET AT LEAST?", Dami blurted. "Uhh...Noo...I'm black bird...Pops is still kicking....but I do have an awesome car...I stole...but its mine", Damian told his younger self, who looked like he was going to kill himself.

"Don't do drugs when you grow, kid. Trust me, we did some messed up shit. Me and Lian woke up to be naked and in Mexico and on a cruise...", Damian said, as Jason was wheezing on the ground from the stories and Tim was attempting to record for Steph. "Alsoo, I feel like I should tell you not to Smoke weed before you go to work. I want us to be better in the future, I was working at Walmart and I was high Asf and Me and my EX had a nerf war and I attempted to help a customer but ended up getting a shelf to fall on her-", But before Damian could finish Alfred walked in and gave everyone a look that meant shut the fuck up.

[Tim pov*]

Just as the story was getting good and Dick was covering little Damians ears, Alfred walked in and informed us that he cooked some food for us to eat. So we all headed upstairs, Jason having to force himself to stop laughing and walk straight. I'm starting to love Older Damian and his hilariously crazy stories...I'm starting to wonder if he is actually on something now....

   When we finally got to the kitchen, we saw that Alfred made some vegetarian dish and I for one love eating new dishes Alfred makes. Even if they have no meat, at all. As we sat down, another story was being told by Stoner Damian.

    [No one pov*]

"SO me and my Ex boyfriend, Horrible person, super sexy. Oh and I am A proud Bi man btw...anyway, we were getting some Bat burger at like, maybe 2am or something. And we also were high as fuck and we go to order and it was a mess, I couldn't hear them because we were blasting music and screaming. The drive thru people gave us free food because we were arguing who had to pay", Damian told his past brothers. "I have no idea how to respond to that", Dick admitted, lost as his two other younger brothers bursts out laughing. "Tell us more- Please", Jason begged older Damian.

"Fine...Uh...well...Me and Jon started a nature show/guide. Yeah it was great..we got paid for being Clowns and the whole show I was on editables and smoking weed with a monkey and man did the monkey know how to party...I named him fred. Great monkey dude...I couldn't bring him back...the show was success, but we only did 1 season with 10 episodes because I didn't feel like going back." Damian told his story to Jason and Tim, well Dick and little Dami to but Dick didn't wanna know any more. But Dick did crack a smile a few times at the best parts, like Dami and Jon getting attacked by a bear, and Jon  accidenly be friending a fish that wouldn't leave him alone and Jon cried when he had to eat the fish to survive.

    [Jason pov*]

  Just as dinner was done, Alfred's glorious food. Stoner Demon finished up the best story I have ever heard, it was about Damian getting high af and blowing up the batmobile to piss off Bruce. It was a wonderful story, maybe one day it'll grace other people's ears. But Alfred decided the night has drained us all and it was time to sleep, he was telling the truth but... I wanted to hear more stories...like I laughed so hard on choked...on a lettuce leaf.

   "I need some street noises to sleep", Stoner demon told us, "Why?", Golden boy asked. "Because I live by a street and it helps me sleep heading familiar nosie", Came the reply. "Okay...You can borrow my ipod", Dick told him, as he ran to get it with little Dami behind him. "Okay..thanks...", Stoner demon replied, he then looked at us and grinned evily..." So...wanna get stoned tonight?", He asked. "Fuck yes", I replied as replacement looked confused but neutral to the idea.

   "This night is about to get fucked up".


   Here is the chapter, sorry it's late ^^

   I accidenly deleted it five times but I went back and restored it. Thank god, because I was not writing a new chapter.

   Its currently almost 3am so half of this is what my brain came up with to finish this chapter off. I will be having this in A03 by tomorrow.

  Thanks for reading!!!!

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