Meeting the Parents

Start from the beginning

"Damn baby. What place and time?" I kissed his neck before mumbling "9realmsand7" hoping he heard me I closed my eyes and feel his fingers stop running through my hair. I whine and pull back from him, "why'd you stop?"  A warm smile and a peck on the lips later he finally says "I couldn't hear you baby boy" I sigh, "9 Realms and 7:00." He nodded kissing me again before pulling back, "Anything special I should wear?" I shrugged, "Nice clothing, we can go to your house after school and pick something" another nod and peck on my lips then his fingers are running through my hair and I'm filled with happiness. 

15 minutes before school starts my head is on his lap, hands interlocked and we're just having a nice small conversation when we were interrupted.

 "Ah Brother!" I look over to see Thor and his friends approaching and I groan, no no no no he's supposed to meet him later not now. Sitting up I glare at Thor as he's standing there looking between us, I change my expression so I'm not showing any emotion besides the glare. "Yes?" I spit out annoyed already. "All is well right?" He looked at En Dwi like he shouldn't be next to me. "This the person you're having fun with?" He raises his eyebrows at the word fun and I groaned again. "I already told you we're not fucking, we're just dating." 

I heard a snicker  from behind and looked past Thor to find out who it was. "Something you need to say?" The person snickering stopped before speaking,  "How do you date without fucking?" oh this must be the playboy Stark. "How can you fuck without dating Anthony?" That seemed to shut him up and I turned my attention back to Thor. "So brother ready for tonight?"  I never missed the way he continued to watch what En Dwi was doing and clenching and unclenching his fists so I mumbled my response "Not mentally" knowing he didn't hear me. "Say that again?"

 I rolled my eyes, "are you done?" I practically hissed out and felt En Dwi squeeze my hand, calming  me down, I turn my blazing glare from Thor to En Dwi's soft eyes and he's giving me a gentle smile. Taking a deep breath I calm myself before looking back at the oaf, "Anything else?" I ask in a sickly sweet voice, he just turned from me and walked away with his friends. Finally I thought.

The school day seemed to drag it's only fourth period meaning no classes with En Dwi until after lunch. Right now I am in English class and I am surrounded by idiots, all seniors and not a single one of them could repeat a poem from Shakespeare. We're working on the meaning of a poem some working together while others work alone like myself, when there is a tap on my shoulder. I look up to see Stark standing there. I sigh "Yes Anthony?" I knew what he was going to ask before he did but let him ask it anyways, "Work together? Your just so smart and really good at all th- Let me stop you there Anthony, you just want answers, I work by myself, get where I'm going?" I continued my work and ignored his presence as I finished my paper, handing it into my teacher I walk back to my desk and pull out my phone. 

Me: You free?

Babe: yeah meet at the bleachers?

Me: Ofc! be there in five love you

Babe: 'Kay, Love you too

Slipping out of class I hit my locker, switch out my books and grab my lunch before going to the bleachers. The unused bleachers are across the school on the opposite end from where I'm at so it's a bit of a walk but we don't want to be around everyone so we use these bleachers. Finding my boyfriend under the bleachers in the shade I kiss him before pulling out my lunch and start eating.

 "You know baby boy dinner with your parents doesn't sound to bad." I started laughing and almost choked on my salad (The salad is called Ragnarok). "Yeah and breaking up sounds best, Babe! Odin isn't what he seems, he'll act like he cares but he really doesn't because by the time the night is over and I'm at home he'll tell me how I should find a woman who can cook for me. My mother doesn't really care but Odin he does. Thor? He's a whole other conversation. He's overprotective he doesn't show it unless you can read him and I can." I finish my speech and sigh laying on the ground looking up at him, "But maybe just maybe it wont be half as bad as I think" He leans over me and kisses me gently before pulling back and staring into my eyes, I look away knowing he was abut to compliment my eyes like he always does. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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