"Go easy on a beginner, won't you?" Auguste whined.

But Hyde ignored him, heterochromic eyes glued to the tiny screen. "HAHA! THIS LEAVES ME WITH DOCTOR EVEL. GIVE IT ALL YOU'VE GOT!"

"I've only been going easy on you," Evel taunted. "Your chances of defeat will now increase to one-hundred percent."

"That's not even statistical anymore, is it?" Auguste groaned.

"But it is." Evel's dull eyes now twinkled victoriously. "I've obtained the Burst Ball."

"No, not the Burst Ball!" Hyde agonized, leaning away from the screen and desperately tapping away on his remote.

"What's wrong? Scared?" Evel snickered.

"C-Come any closer and I'll throw you off the stadium!" Hyde threatened, sweating.

"I don't need to come closer."

Before he knew it, Auguste could hear a battle cry accompanied with a series of smashing noises. Hyde shrieked, slapping all of his buttons hopelessly. "GAME!" the announcer concluded. "This game's winner is Orb Engaard!"

"NOOO!" Hyde cried out, slamming his remote down on the bed.

"I'll bet at this point they forgot I was ever in that match," Auguste muttered.

"You were not that bad." Evel assured.


"I could see you've incorporated your phantom thief skills into the game. It was hard to land any hits on you, but eventually it became predictable."

"Guess I'm still kind of sleepy...."

"I DEMAND A REMATCH!" Hyde screamed at the two.


"Grr... one more time!" Hyde pleaded.

"This game's winner is Orb Engaard!"

"NO! AGAIN!" Hyde bellowed.

At this point, Auguste stopped playing and was typing away on his computer. In the middle of a yawn, the console blared an abrupt "GAME!", startling him.

"GAME! This game's winner is Orb Engaard!"

"EVEL!!!" Hyde agonized. Auguste, looking upon his countless distractions (and the giant workload he still has to deal with), slapped his forehead with a palm.

Acknowledging Auguste's stress, Evel went over to turn off the BeySwitch. "That should be enough games for now."

"But whyyy? I haven't beaten you, not even once...!" Hyde complained.

"Downtime is starting, Hyde." Evel pointed to a schedule on his tablet. "Your brother planned no electronics for you at five o'clock P.M."

"What a way to ruin my fun again, Phi..." Hyde hissed through his teeth. Evel tucked the BeySwitch back into his lab coat. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Auguste asked Hyde, "Why does it sound like you and your brother are still having a brotherly rivalry? Ya know, one where he is trying to control you?"

"Well, we still need time to adjust to our... new relations." Hyde explained. "We're getting there, though. Me and Phi occasionally share Dread Phoenix, and I'm enhancing my resonance with it too! The right kind of resonance this time...."

He trailed off as he remembered his old days, then shook off his trance and smiled. "But me and my brother have been much better off now that we patched things up!"

"Wow..." Auguste looked down in thought. "You and Phi must be pretty close, despite your guys' past."


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