'she said yes!' (bucky x reader)

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A/N: thank you to MusicalBookFreak25 for requesting some bucky, peter and sam imagines! gonna do a few of those now so enjoyyyy

You smooth out your dress, waiting patiently outside your apartment block for Bucky to pick you up. He had called you earlier, saying rather excitedly he wanted to take you out on a surprise date. You weren't sure what had brought on the sudden spontaneity but you weren't complaining if it meant spending more time with Bucky.

You had met him two years ago thanks to your sister, Nat. She had always loved to play matchmaker and had very eagerly set you up with a 'super hot avenger she worked with'. Honestly, you hadn't expected for it to work out as well as it did. The two years of you dating Bucky had been some of the best two years of your life.

Bucky pulled up in a fancy black car, grinning as he got out to open the door for you. He was wearing the fanciest suit you'd ever seen him wear, which posed even more questions about what exactly he was planning.

"Where'd you get the car?" You asked with a grin, raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

"Hello to you too. I borrowed it from Tony."

You laughed, not being able to resist him in the suit anymore and standing on your toes to kiss him.

He pulled away after a moment, resting his hands on your waist. "You look beautiful tonight. You look beautiful every night."

You blushed, thanking him before getting in the car. "Are you going to tell me where we're going?"

"Be patient, doll. You'll see soon enough."

You tapped your foot, the suspense making you even more impatient. But by the excited look on Bucky's face you knew it was going to be good.

He finally pulled up at a park, near the bustling business of the street but far enough to still be quiet and secluded. He got out quickly, running around the side of the car to open the door for you.

He intertwined your fingers together as he led you through the park. Eventually you made it through the trees to a gorgeous clearing.

A picnic blanket lay on the ground, covered in delicious food and a bottle of champagne. Fairy lights twined themselves through the branches of the nearby trees, giving the whole setup a romantic ambiance.

"Buck... this is beautiful!"

He smiled, watching the wonder on your face. "You like it?"

"Are you kidding? I love it!" You walk around, admiring the setup more before turning around to face Bucky again.

But what you saw was even more of a surprise.


On one knee.

Holding a velvet box with the most beautiful diamond ring you'd ever seen in it.

Your hands slowly went up to your mouth as you gasped, realising what was happening.

"Y/N," Bucky grinned, looking slightly nervous before continuing, "ever since I met you I knew you were the one for me. I have never smiled as much in my whole life than I have when I spend a day with you. You are the greatest thing that's ever happened to me and I want to call you mine forever. Y/N Y/L/N, I love you. So, I'm asking now, will you marry me?"

You could feel the tears of joy running down your face as you nodded your head. He let out a joyful cheer as he stood up, slipping the ring on your finger before lifting you up and spinning you around. When he placed you down, he kissed you gently, a celebration of being able to call you his. You rested your forehead against his, smiling. "I love you, Bucky Barnes."

"And I love you, doll."

You stood there a few more moments before he looked over to the trees in the darkness.

"She said yes!" He yelled out to the trees, and Nat ran out excitedly. Your sister wrapped her arms around your neck happily.

"I should become a professional matchmaker, screw this avengers business," she said and you laughed. You had never felt happier than you were feeling now, surrounded by the people you love.

And even better, you were to become a Barnes.

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