Father Figure

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(~NOTE~Somewhere out in the Bermuda Triangle queue the dramatic music- told in the perceptive of Lyra Banner's father)

I spotted a crushed up lays chip bag.  It looked as if it has been there for decades, it smelled like it has been there for decades.  It was all empty and at that moment my stomach made a loud growl noise.  I haven't eaten in 5 days.  You might be wondering how have I been surviving on this island for 11 years without access to my pantry at home or from the comfort of seeing my own daughter.  Well for starters I have been eating from the papaya trees that are all surrounded on the island, but I'm starting to run very low on supply.  I try to savor them by eating them throughout the day.  When I look out I see nothing but old papayas from months ago placed randomly on the sand.  But, food isn't what I even think about these days, all I can think about is my wife and daughter, Lyra.  Not a day goes by that I don't regret coming out here.  Now you might be wondering, what am I doing here exactly?  Why did I not bring someone to come along?  The reason is the very thing that explores have tried to find for 100s of years.  It is a very special energy source that can make humans fly and make teleportation a piece of cake.  Many have tried to find this energy source, but none have made it out successfully, I am going to be the first.

Everyday I search for the energy source, it is the only thing that will get me of the island and back to my family.  I have searched through all the sand that you could possibly dig, I have searched the highest trees and searched the water for any signs of something.  All I know is that the energy source is on this island and that's it.  I decided to start my search in the trees this morning.  I started looking at the base of the tree and all I could find was worms and dirt.  No energy source.  Then I started to climb the trees and I took a moment of rest when I could feel my leg hit a prickly spot on the tree, I could see the blood trickle down my leg.  I began to climb as many trees as I could until my feet were filled with blusters the size of blueberries. No energy source was found there either.

The sun was heavy on my back at this point.  The sun was my worst enemies out here on this island.  Due to the fact, I had no luck in the trees, I decided to shuffle down near the water to refresh from the sun on my back.  There was a turtle that came near my feet.  The turtle was followed by a beautiful type of fish that I have never seen out here before actually, it was pretty big with purple and blue stripes.  The fin of the fish was small and green.  I wiped the water onto my face, I looked at the reflection of me through the water, I do not even recognize myself these days.  I have a long beard and long wavy hair tied back into a bun.  I layered down on my back with my feet still in the water.  I just stared into the bright blue sky and thought about my daughter Lyra, last time I saw her was when she was 8.  That's when she liked horses and begged me to take her to ride one everyday at the local farm.  Three birds swooped down from the sky and landed on the sand.  The birds where poking there heads into the lays chip bag, they seemed very angry after they didn't get there meal for the day from it.  They flew away to the trees.  After the birds left, the island was quiet, there wasn't even a sound from the wind or from the crashing of waves, everything was calm.  I touched the hot sand.  The shadow from the sand did not show just me, but another figure as well.  When I looked back, the figure was gone, thought I was just hallucinating or something, but then I felt a hand hit me in the head.  I passed out on the sand and I plunged into darkness.

A/N- Sorry it has been a long time without a new update, but I hope to write some new chapters soon since it is the summer and I have more time to write in my free time 😁

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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