Bruno stood he says...

Bruno: ...If we were able to drive out of this village, we will be fine, just as long we keep heading to Rome!

Bruno soon places the turtle on the car...and starts to run away ....

Mista: Eh?! Where is that guy running off too now?!?

Mista soon notiecs Bruno then jump in off the cliff...

Mista: Wait what?!?!?

Bruno soon was falling off as he yet knows how to defeat the user that control the ground beneath...

Bruno: So, you're tracking our Lieberman beneath the earth Huh?! Quite the terrifying power. But, what is your extent?! Can you really discern my true intentions?? Not even you possess that ability! I can see it your face!

Bruno sees Secco coming out from the ground on the wall, and Secco notices Bruno in front of him...

Secco: W-WAAHH!!?!?

Bruno summons Sticky Fingers and starts throwing barrage punches at him...


Sticky Finger: Arrivederci!!!!

After that punch towards Secco's face, Secco soon escaped back in the ground as he crawls over and away from Bucciarati

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After that punch towards Secco's face, Secco soon escaped back in the ground as he crawls over and away from Bucciarati...he yet stops and yet started to panic about his face being busted up and bleeding...

Secco: M-My face!!! Waaaaagh!!! My face!!! N-Not good!!! Not good!! I-I gotta call Cioccolata!!!

Back with Cioccolata, he soon got a call from Secco as he picks up...

Cioccolata: What is is, Secco?

Secco: H-Hey! C-Cioccolata, three days heard the news right?!? About three days ago...when the boss out that stand on the plane thingy...the notorious B.I.G?! Yeah! Yeah! That's what's it called!

Cioccolata: Hmm? Aren't you suppose to be hunting down those bastards like I asked?? Don't waste time.

Secco: Cioccolata please! Th-This is important! Very important! N-Notorious B.I.G!!! I-Is it a living stand...or a death stand?! I know it sounds like a stupid question, but I want an answer now! But h-hey! Let's say if he were here with us...would your mold crawl up to him?!

Cioccolata: Notorious B.I.G you say?? Isn't that the stand whose user was building with such vengeance and hatred his stand found a way to live on after he was killed? Who knows. I confess that I'm curious myself as well. But I don't have the foggiest idea about it. What I do know is that Green Day will will putrefy any living organism it comes to contact with.

Secco: S-So the mold won't grow in rocks and other non alive stuffs is that it?!

Cioccolata: Secco I don't have time for this! Go and find Bucciarati and his crew now!

Secco: B-But Cioccolata! T-Take a good look up the hill...o-on the right!!

Cioccolata soon takes a look up the hill...and yet to see a vehicle on the move...and yet he knows who's inside the car and leaving...

Cioccolata: Why am I looking at a vehicle leaving?? And no...don't tell me the passengers is dead the car is what I think who it is! Why did you let them get away?!?

Secco: I-I'm sorry Cioccolata...I-it's that Bucciarati! He got me good! I don't know how...but he got me and got my face! And escape!!! I'm so sorry!!!!

Cioccolata: ...It's okay, Secco, come back with me...we're gonna go get them and take them down together!


Giorna Giovanna x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now