Chapter 24 - Zero Crisis Finale

Start from the beginning

"C'mon! Get. Over. Here!!" Jones strains reaching out to the device, desperately hoping he could catch it. The handle spins in his direction and he gets a firm grip on it.

"Gotcha!! Haha!! ...oh SHOOT!!"

In all his panic to get his device back he hadn't realised he was falling straight onto the ground with no way of saving himself. He covers the Rift Gun with his arms and prepares himself for a very rough landing. Midas tosses down the crash pad and just as it inflates, he and Sophie land on it safely.

"Hang on Jones I've got you!" Midas shouts, ready to catch him. However instead of landing in his arms Jones lands directly on top of Midas, knocking both into a small bush. Sophie bursts into hysterical laughter before helping them both back onto their feet.

"Ugh, sorry Midas. Didn't mean to land directly on you." Jones chuckles, taking the twigs and leaves out of his already messy fluffy hair. Midas does the same with his.

"That's alright. I must've miscalculated my position when trying to catch you."

"What do we do now?" The girl asks.

Jones is about to reply, but the buzzing in his right ear returns as Slone tries talking to him a second time.

"They CANNOT be trusted! Do NOT GO TO THE SEVEN! Jones, Jones!! Come-"

"Ugh!! Enough!!"

Jones yanks the headset off his ear and throws it onto the ground, crushing it with his foot. His old shoes had seen a lot of damage and weren't really wearable anymore. So Midas offered him an old pair of boots he didn't wear much. He had to say, they were extremely comfortable.

"Alright. Looks like we'll have to just charge through the battlefield to get to the Zero Point." He says, already running ahead.

Midas and Sophie follow him as another beam of energy comes from the Zero Point, blasting its way through builds and structures alike. Fires were going everywhere as well as gunshots. Jones looks to his right and gasps as a Xenomorph leaps from a cliff and lands on top of him.

"Ugh! Get off me you stupid alien!"

It bares its second set of teeth, leaning closer to him, only for it to get shot from a side and dying. Jones smiles when he sees Sarah Connors holding a shotgun, giving him a nod before swiveling around and shooting another.

"Thanks! Haha."

"No time to stop! We need to keep going." Midas reminds him, helping him stand.

They turn around only to find a line of Terminators blocking the way they need to go. Just before Midas can ask what they can do now, a black semi truck bursts through the red bridge above them. Jones quickly moves him out the way as it stops, with Ellen Ripley kicking the door open and knocking down the robots.

"We'll cover you! Go!"

The trio make their way under the bridge sliding past Kratos, another hunter Jones had hired a while back. They find Chun Li and Meowscles teaming up to fight off some Predators that had joined in the brawl for the thrill of it. The cat did nearly come close to be vaporised by its laser on its mask after throwing a punch at one.

Even Peely had shown up, much to Jonesy's surprise and delight! He gives him a smile and a wave...

...Only for him to get obliterated by one of Ryu's 'Hadoukens' a few seconds later. Midas told him he'd be fine, as he was a Looper. But Jones couldn't help but worry. Shaking the moment away, as well as a whole lot of banana mixture, they continue to run, going past Master Chief and TriggerFish. But eventually, a huge crowd of robots and aliens surround them.

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