Chapter 2: Ranboo's POV

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As my eyelids fluttered open slowly, the sun whipped me in the face and as the breeze allowed my tail to sway left and right, my eyes adjusted to the blinding brightness of the sun. Looking down, I noticed I had engulfed Tubbo in a non-escapable hug, moments prior, quickly letting him go, embarrassed by my sudden actions. However, much to my fortune, he didn't seem focused on me at all.

As I began to look around just as he was doing, my eyes widened and my mouth parted into a strangled gasp. "Tubbo? Where are we?" I wondered, holding his hand for support, the panic of this abrupt, strange situation crawling up into my mind. As well as the change of scenery, another thing I was quick to notice was the number of people that walked the sidewalks, rode in cars down the road, and stood on patrol in certain areas across the block.

"Have there ever been this many people on the SMP before?" But judging by his reaction to the population of citizens around us, he was just as confused and frightened as I was. His eyes were wide and his lips were pressed together, his body language lined with worry.

"Um, where did you take us sexy?'' He squeaked out, throwing my nickname at the end of his sentence to calm my nerves just a tad. Unfortunately, I didn't have an answer. Looking around, I took in our surroundings, my frown deepening. It looked to be an overpopulated Townsquare, similar to the shopping center in L'manberg- only much, much louder. Bushes lined the busy sidewalks, as shops of all sorts sold and imported different goods and products. One shop sold ice cream and another sold purses, the list of purchases was endless. Another thing that caught my eye was that people such as myself, as well as my other friends donned abnormal appearances. Some had long necks, others had wings; everyone looked different, but I looked the strangest by far.

Tubbo grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the ice cream shop without bothering to explain why. A little bell jingled as he forced open the door in front of us though I had no time to look at the decor of the petite shop as he dragged me towards the register and began skimming the menu. In only a millisecond, he'd told her in a rather firm voice: "Can I have a Honeysuckle Sugar Cone with extra honey?"

The register was a short lady with tinted green skin, large beautiful babydoll eyes that mimicked the color of chocolate, and full lips that were colored over with nude lipstick. Her hair sat in a long, elegant emerald-shaded braid that fell over her shoulder. Vines curled and wove throughout her arms, mingling with her fingers and covering her biceps. Her work uniform was a simple short-sleeved white button-down shirt and a baby-blue apron with an ice cream sundae on the front and black leggings.

She nodded and as she inserted Tubbo's order into her machine, I shrugged and ordered the first thing that came to mind in a much softer tone. "And I'd take a chocolate cone, please." She smiled lightly at my manners and imported my order into the register to rack up our total.

"That'll be eight dollars, sir." My mind drew a blank. Dollars? Um, how much were eight dollars in diamonds and gold?
"Um, I'm sorry. Um, what?" I questioned, digging through my pockets as I tried to figure out what dollars were.

"Eight dollars sir-"
"The (nope)? What are you playing at woman? Dollars don't exist-" Tubbo began to rant, but I cut him off as the woman began scooping out our desserts.

"Maybe that's some ordeal of gold, you know? Maybe that's the new wording for gold bars?" I began to propose, however his eyes widened and he pulled three gold nuggets from my left pocket, growling. Why was he so angry and agitated at this poor, innocent woman?

"Three. Eight gold bars for a scoop of ice cream? No. I'm the president, she can't do anything to me." He grinned as I sighed and handed her four golden nuggets out of worry we were underpaying her and grabbed our respected cones and sat down in a booth. Eyes were burning into my spine as I took a single tick out of my cone then set it down into the table and watched Tubbo practically inhale his with a huge grin on his face.

"Why are they all staring at us, Bee?" I muttered, fidgeting nervously in my seat. Most likely about how we drastically underpaid the nice employee. Being so focused on his dessert, he made no move to answer me, therefore I tried again. "Why are they looking at us like that Tubbo?" I repeated, firmer this time. That seemed to get his attention as he set his cone down and leaned over his elbows.

"Not sure Boss Man, but I'm almost certain that the vine woman is quitting her job as we speak." I looked over his shoulder and my eyes widened. It was true. Takia (The name that sat on her nametag) sat smiling widely at her boss, a scruffy old man with a long beard, who seemed friendly but looked incredibly disappointed. Noticing he was eyeing my chocolate ice cream, I sighed and handed it to him, realizing he was wanting it and I didn't want it.

Not too soon after, after Tubbo had finished my cone, we'd left the shop that was still sat in silence and were frantically looking for a flower bed to heal Tubbo's stomach ache. The whole time I was internally cursing Tubbo for eating a chocolate sweet when chocolate is poison for any animal, which also counts for hybrids, except it just gives them horrid stomach aches. The wind had picked up the pace and began like an average moving fan, quick but not too cold. It tipped my tiara off of the crown of my head.

Tubbo's eyes locked with a flower bed on the other side of the road and abruptly grabbed my wrist, pulling me across the road. My eyes grew as cars halted to a stop, jammed on their horns and some yelled. We could've been hit! What was he thinking? Someone cussed us out, so we ran faster and started stashing away the plants into Tubbo's backpack. As I began gentle organizing the petals into a nice ordeal inside the dandelion-colored sack, I felt Tubbo's presence from behind me leaving, signaling he'd walked off, however, I didn't focus on it, focusing on the task ahead of me.

A minute later, I heard screaming and Tubbo ran up to me, seeming and looking the same way he had before he left, therefore, I just shrugged it off and walked nonchalantly as if nothing was happening. Though, Tubbo didn't seem as calm as me. He seemed, happier, more jittery. Tugging on my shirt sleeve, he began to run. "I might've just gotten us into trouble!" He exclaimed happily and quickened into a full-on sprint. I did the same, however slower due to my long legs.

"What did you do?!" I asked, wiggling the pack onto my shoulders as the both of us darted down the block. People were staring at us in shock, and most were screaming something along the lines of 'where are the heroes?' "Tubbo, what did you do?!" The Bumblebee before me began fishing a token out of his pocket, and finally, he'd shown me an expensive-looking bracelet with diamonds and white gold. Those jewels were real!

"You stole them?!" He nodded causing me to growl, and I frantically began searching for places to teleport to escape the patrol. The only place that caught my eye was a large two-pillared building that was blue with white windows. An arch connected the two buildings, and in the center sat the letters UA. It was behind trees and was atop a hill. Perfect.

"Tubbo! Fly to that large building, I'll meet you there!" He nodded and moved to remove his jacket as I closed my eyes and lost control of reality. My vision went purple as my body went transparent, everything was dark.

Tubbo was laughing blissfully as he soared through the clouds towards the place where Ranboo had instructed him to go. His heart swelled with joy but also felt a ping of sadness when he realized that he felt the freest he'd felt since everything had happened in the past two years in a place that wasn't even his home.

(1,434 words, also, I'm sorry this came out late, it was definitely rushed and I've had a lot going on with band and all, so yeah! Have a great day guys!)

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