Chapter 2

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I squirm nervously when my parents call me to the living room. I had turned 10 a week ago and they wanted to know my eye color. It was procedure. A week after a child turns 10, we were to be tested for our eye color. I found out I was a black a few months ago and have been training. 

I knew how to make it seem like I had the powers and my eye color wasn't black, thanks to my contacts. I walk downstairs and stand next to Marin. There were 3 other people, the guards and the specialist with the bracelet in case we were a black. 

Maman and Papa had cleaned up but they still smelled a little like the happy juice as I have learned it is called. "Ok. My name is Ms.Haddson. Now all I need you to do is focus and imagine your eyes changing color. Why don't you go first." 

She points to Marin and he nods. He closes his eyes and I see gold on his fingertips. I smile inwardly. He wasn't a black. He opens his eyes and they were a gold color. I smile brightly and hug him. "You're a gold, Mar! That's awesome!" 

He hugs me and Ms.Haddson turns to me. "Your turn sweetie." I nod, trying not to let them see how scared I was. I close my eyes and imagine my eyes turning black and then a vibrant shade of green. I imagine the sign for speed, appearing underneath my left foot, tiny so that nobody sees it. 

I open my eyes and she nods. "Your a green. So neither of you have to be taken to camp." She nods. "I will be leaving now. You will be taking classes on your powers." She takes out a tablet and taps, swipes, and then looks at Marin. 

"You will be taking classes with Ms.Pollen." She looks at me and taps some more on her tablet. Then she frowns. "You will be taking classes with Mrs.Tikki. Beware she is a black so if anything goes wrong, a guard will be outside of the room, ready to help you." 

I nod. "Okay. I will be careful." She nods and then motions for the 2 guard to follow her. They leave and I leave the room. I wasn't going to stay long knowing that Maman and Papa were going to start fighting again. 

I was proven correct when I heard a smash and yelling. I hear a knock on my trap door and I open it, knowing it was Marin. He climbs in and sits on my chaise. "When are they going to stop fighting? It scares me...." I climb next to him and wrap my arms around him. 

"I don't know. But it scares me too. It helps to watch Sponge Bob. You wanna watch with me?" He nods and I grab my tablet. I put on Sponge Bob and he laughs at Squidward and Patrick. I was the older twin so it was my duty to make sure he was happy. 

I also cook for him, help him with homework, and soothe him when he's scared. Maman and Papa didn't notice us to much and are always acting funny and yelling. I think it was called, drunk? I don't know but they yelled a lot and smashed things. 

Sometimes they hit us, but they didn't do it a lot. I would bandage him up when he got scratched. I would patch up his clothes when they got ripped. I would dry his tears when he started crying because he was scared. I was the person that would always be by his side. No matter what. 

He fell asleep after we had watched a few episodes and I grabbed my blanket and put it over him. I kissed his cheek before climbing up to my bed. I watched some more Sponge Bob before I put my tablet away. 

I had to tell Marin, I was a black. I couldn't just lie to him. He trusted me so I have to trust him. I took a deep breath and climbed down my latter and quietly walked to my chaise. I gently shook him and he shifted before opening his eyes. 

He yawned and looked at me. "What's wrong, Mari?" I sat next to him. "I have something to tell you. I- I'm not a green." "What do you mean?" I took at my contacts and willed my eyes to turn black. His eyes widened and I turned my eyes blue again. 

I put in my contacts and he grabbed my hand. "When did you find out?" I bit my lip. "About 7 months won't tell right?" He shook his head. "No. If you go, I go with you. We're twins. You can't have one without the other." I hug him and thank him over and over. 

"It's okay, Mari. You are going to tell your teacher, Mrs.Tikki, that you are a black so she can train you?" I shrug. "Maybe. I don't know yet. But if I do, what if she tells? What if she gets me sent to the camp for blacks and purples?" Marin hung his head. 

"I don't know. You just have to meet and trust your instincts, I guess. Who knows now? We live in  crazy world where people have powers based on the color of their eyes. Only trust them when you know you can." I nod. His worlds were silly sounding but they were true. 

I lean my head on his shoulder, allowing myself to show weakness around him. "I'll tell her after I trust her. After I trust her enough to know that she won't tell a soul." He hugs me. "That a good idea. Now we are watching some more movies. And I'm choosing this time." 

I nod and get up. I scramble up my ladder and grab my tablet. I leap back down and get back onto the chaise, next to Marin. He puts on Netflix and put on The Legend of Korra. He loves Mako and Naga. Korra is his other favorites. He loves Toph too. 

We watched about 5 episodes before a large crash sounded from downstairs and I heard Papa yelling. Marin whimpered when there was a door slam and the smashing of bottles. He buries his head in my shoulder and he starts shaking. 

"M-make it stop, Mari. It scares me." I rub his back and try to keep my own tears at bay as his soak into my shirt. "It'll be okay, Marin. I'm not going to let you get hurt." He nods and I just sit there and we spend the rest of the day together. 

A/N: I'm happy so many of you like my story! Next chapter might be updated this week. Maybe on Friday. Not sure. I have college exams to take and they are stressing me out immensely. I will try to update my other stories too. 

Thank you! 


Colored EyesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon