About The Little Girl

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So there once lived this little girl and her name was Brianna and she was probably around nine or ten years old.

Well her father had a really bad addiction to meth. The little girl didn't know all she knew was her father would go missing for hours and hours.

I mean the little girl just thought the father would go to the grocery store and or got lost or something but the little girl missed out on a lot like fishing with her father or hunting with her father or even having friends because she would always be looking for her father but then this little boy walked up to the little girl and said my name is Daniel. Daniel said well I know how it is. Well Daniel was always looking for his mother but he didn't know where she would sneak off to. The two went around town posting signs that said "If you have seen this man or woman please let someone know." So the two kept walking and they asked the business owners and the fellow citizens. But no one had seen or heard anything.

The little girl and the little boy finally came up to this old abandoned building or house couldn't really tell. So the kids went exploring but what they saw inside surprised them no it wasn't their parents but couple of people who had cuts and bruises. The people had bags and stuff in this building. It was weird, the kids have never seen anything like this but the kids introduced themselves  and asked the people if they have seen the man or woman and what the people said surprised the kids. The people said " Yeah they was just here a couple of days ago." So the kids finally had a clue but all the kids heard was dogs barking and they was in this strange place so the kids was scared and didn't know what to do so they ran out the abandoned building.

The kids kept walking down this road filled with all kinds of traffic. The kids went missing for days and no one knew nor did they care because the mother and father probably was strung out or overdosed on meth, both was probably facing death, so then a man with a badge was walking and then he saw the kids and then put them in the car with red and blue lights , let me remind you that the kids didn't know what was going on. So the officer and the kids went looking and so they all got out of the car and saw this old abandoned grocery store and the kids thought maybe this is where they are and they walked inside and it was empty but this building had a downstairs and upstairs and then the kids started marching upstairs and the two adults upstairs heard that and hid. So then the kids was upstairs looking around and moved this like big box thing , they couldn't really pick up up so they slid it across the floor but anyways their stood these two people, they looked like zombies. Then the little girl said "dad" in tears. I thought she would never stop crying. Then the kids saw this table and this bag of rocks. The little girl told the officer "I found my dad and I found this bad of rocks." So the little girl is holding this up in the officers face. Then the officer says put that down and the little girl said why it's just rocks and the officer said them rocks is why your dad looks like a zombie and the little girl threw the bag of rocks and was holding her dad hand and said dad please wake up I love you and I can't lose you. So then the little boy found his mom was looking like a zombie too and that she wouldn't move. So the boy also found a bag of "rocks". Little did he know that wasn't a bag of rocks and that bag of rocks killed his mother but he didn't know she was dead he thought she was sleeping so the little boy said "mommy please wake up pleaseeee." Then the mother didn't move or say anything and the guy with the badge said kids come with me please and then these other guys walked in with black suits and carried the mother and father out the door. So then the little girl and little boy new exactly what was happening and then this lady came out....

So what do yall think happened???? Please hang in there ill start chapter 2!!!! So please tell me how like the story!!!!

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