The Anonymous Price Part 1 (Nayeon)

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- Climb behind she's waiting for you, said the driver.

- She?I said to myself, walking to the side door to get in.

- Anyeongasaeho, Twice Nayeon-ibnida!

- Im Nayeon! You're the anonymous prize!

- Surprise! She said laughing loudly with a big smile on her face.

- Well, I was defenetely not expecting that.

- So, as you know I already made the program for today. We are going to have a nice trip all over the city, we're going to lunch in a good restaurant in Gangnam, in the afternoon I'm taking you to the JYP Entertainement building and tonight you are going to have the greatest diner of your life with me and the rest of the members of Twice.

- Really?! So I don't just won time with you but although with the rest of your group!

- Isn't that worth for a 1st prize?

- Yeah, you're right.

- So? Ready to go? If you need something to drink the're some water and soju in the mini fridge, under that seat. And some snacks too, if you need.

- Ok, cool. We could cheer already with some soju by the way.

- Yes sure.

I got a bottle and to glasses. She pressed a little button to signal the driver to start the car, so I tryed to stay steady while serving the drinks. I presented her glasse to Nayeon and we cheered.

- To life itself, I said rising my glass, may it stay the unpredictable thing it is all the time.

- I'm defenetely rallying to that, she added.

Then we drinked the glass ass-dry.

- Wouh!, she said, I'm gonna need some chips now.

- Coming right up, Miss Im!

- Oppa please, call me however you want but don't use the honofic. We're not here for business, but to have some fun together.

- Can I call you Pig-Rabbit? I said joking.

She laughted loudly.

- Anyo! she said slapping my shoulder.

And the trip started with a nice tour all over Seoul and specialy the touristic zone. We took a bunch of photos together and did some carpool karaoke inside the limo. Quickly it was time to lunch and Nayeon took me out to the restaurant where she had booked a room for two in the private zone. We were just the two of us exept for the waitress who came from time to time.

- You work for Ubisoft in Japan! So you will not stay a long time here.

- I have a lot of free time between two translations and I'm paid enough to make travels to Korea as frequently as I can.

- So wich one do you prefer? Korea or Japan?

- I must say that I had more difficulties to fit in the japanese way of life then the korean.

- Are you planning to come to live here?

- I'm thinking about it. My job can be done at home so it could work.

- Do you miss France sometimes?

- Since I'm a foster kid I don't have family in my home country, but it's ok I'm used to be on my own.

- That's so sad, oppa.

- I'm used to this so it doesn't matter.

- I cannot imagine not having a family. And it's comming from a girl that consider the members of her group like her little sisters.

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