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( this part contains topic of sex, and has swears )

Marinette's pov

I woke up 5 minutes past class time. "FUCK!" I screamed as i realized the time. "TIKKI, WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP?" I said while jumping out of bed to get a change of clothes. "I'm sorry Marinette, I didn't realize it!" Tikki said in a sad tone. "Don't worry about it Tikki it's fine." I said and gave her a kiss while i walked out of the house.

I ran to class and tripped when i reached the center. Lots of people started bursting out laughing but there was one person who stood out and helped me.
Adrien. He held his hand out for me to grab. I was in shock. My face lit up and I was as read as a tomato. I took his hand and started stuttering. "T-tha i mean -I" he looked at me confused but didn't really acknowledge it. "Are you okay Mari?" He asked while rubbing my hand. "Yeah i'm okay t-thank you.." I said with a smile on my face.

"OH PLEASE, GET THE FUCK UP MARINETTE AND LEAVE MY ADRIKINS ALONE!" Chloe screamed at me. I then realized Adrien was still holding my hand. Before I could say anything Adrien replied to Chloe's comment. "Chloe will you ever leave Marinette alone. You can be such a bitch sometimes." My mouth dropped and so did Chloe's. "Alright that's enough everyone! Marinette and Adrien please go to your seats." Ms Bustier said. "Yes Ma'am" Adrien said as he took his hand off mine and went to his seat. I did the same.

"omg girl, what is going on between you 2?" She gasped as she though she realized. "DID U HAVE SEX?" She said in a loud but whisper tone. "WHAT NO" I replied. "I don't know what happened but I did feel a tension between us but i'm not sure" I said while writing my assignment. "Well I hope one day you'll have sex with him like I did with Nino." Alya replied. "ALYA, I DON'T WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THAT" I replied in a whisper tone. She laughed and went back to her work.

*time skip to when school is over*

"I cannot believe I made a fool of myself this morning" I said to Tikki while she was eating a cookie in my bag. Without realizing it I tripped over someone's bag and fell down the steps. Luckily someone was there to catch me.. Again..
"Are you okay?" Someone asked me while holding onto my arm. "Oh my God I feel so embarrassed. Yes thank you I'm okay!" I replied to Adrien and felt his soft warm hands. It was amazing I could just scream. "YOOO, YOU GUYS HAVE DEFINITELY HAD SEX, RIGHT?" Alya yelled. We both looked over to her and Nino then looked back at eachother. Our faces were red. Redder than a Tomato. "N-no we haven't" Adrien replied to Alya's words. His face was blowing up. Alya and Nino laughed. "So what do you guys have planned for the weekend?" Nino asked.

"Ehh not much. Probably a photoshoot." Adrien said. "Nothing. Probably gonna stay at home the whole time. My parents aren't home so I'm not sure what to do." I said. "Omg I have the best idea! We should come over to your house and have lots of drinks!" Alya said! "I don't know.." I said while looking down. "How long are they gone for?" Adrien asked. "around 2 months" I said questioning Adrien's question. "Oh that's perfect. Please Marinette?" Adrien replied. He had his hand against his other and he looked as if he was begging.

"Hmm, alright fine." I said. "Awesome! Can't wait!" Adrien said before pulling me into a hug! "That's great girl!" Alya agreed. "Awesome dudette" Nino also agreed! "I gotta go. I'll see you guys at the "party" tomorrow, bye!" Adrien said while walking away. "Yeah we gotta go too Marinette, bye!" Alya said. "Okay bye!"

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