doubt eh?

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"Stop!" You screamed as you walked towards them.

Suddenly everyone's eyes turned to you. Except that green eyed guy who was still on the ground, his hand in front of his face in defending position, eyes focused on the ground.

"oi oi, if it isn't y/n. I see you have come to enjoy the scene here. Ahaha." Said one of the bully while throwing his cig away just to take another cig out with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Hah, as if I would. Well, yknow princi is coming in this direction, guess he knows what is going on here. I thought, I'll tell you this for the sake of old friendship."

"Old friendship? When you backstabbed us?" said the guy who was smoking, eyes focused on you. You could see slight disappointment in his voice as he said that.

"Tanaka, we should listen to her... what if princi really comes?" said another bully.

"hmm... no, guess what? Hold y/n" said the guy with cig while smirking.

"Bold of you to try, wait a sec" you said while doing a little workout stretching and stuffs.

Then you signaled them with your hand to come at you.

Tsubasa, the girl who was with them glared daggers at you and backed off, and ran away making it just you, those bullies and... that injured guy.

"I guess, she left your side. hah I knew she would do this." You said smirking at those big guys in front of you. You didn't stop her, because for you saving that guy was more important than running after some hoe.  But you were sure, you were going to make that bitch apologize.

ignoring what you said, the guy came like a raging bull charging at his matador. (p.s. don't know what his line means but I found this cool so why not try this ahem!)

You dodged his punch and grasp his fist and kicked him hard on his gut and then you punched his nose hard. As he was clutching with pain you kneeled him down and gave a final blow with an elbow on the back of the guy as he fell on the ground.

"Do any of you still have the audacity to fight me?" You said with a smirk on your face, oh and, I made a video of you guys bullying him...hmm what should I do with this maybe send it to princi or higher school authorities... or maybe police station..?" You said kind of dramatically while putting a finger on your chin as an expression that you were thinking.

"Are you crazy bitch!? You want us to break your bones too...!?!? hand over your phone and we will spare you for your life!!"

"AHAHAHAHA, You think I am dumb enough to not make copies of this video? I already sent this file to sooo many people, who will give it to police in 15 minutes if I don't stop them. And if you are gonna hurt ME, this file will be sent anonymously baby. So just save your ass and leave, if you don't want the worst to happen." You said with a wide and confident grin on your face.

"You will pay for this..." The guy with cig said and ran with his fellow mates.

As you saw that they were not seen nowhere you took a heavy breath since 'Mr. someone' didn't appear. ^^













Love Me Till The End - Junpei x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now