3. How they asked you out

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I will be using genders, so if you labeled them differently don't complain, because in this Oneshot you're using my pronounce

Gratitude Questgiver

* he asked if you wanted to go out to the library at Vault of knowledge, coincidentally you and him have the same book taste and at that point you both couldn't stop talking about books

• Sassy Drifter

* she asked if  you wanna go out to the Sanctuary Island, both of you try to ride the big manta and even pet baby mantas, let's not forget you both also mess around with the bells

• Stretching Guru

* you and her went out to Isle of dawn trying to find butterfly and catching some butterfly at the hidden room around the clouds ( idk what's that place called )

Provoking Performer

* he's not so comfortable meeting new places, so you and he still stay at the hidden forest around the tunnel just playing with crabs. And ended up eating one of them

Leaping Dancer

* he asked you if you want to go to the Valley Hermit with him, you and he ended up racing by the ice slide that leads both of you back to the entrance.

Saluting Protector

* he takes you to the Daylight Praire Village observing the birds and Mantas flying around, you and he also have a ride on the big Mantas.

• Greeting shaman

* you asked if he wants to hang around the bright side of the Hidden forest ( I forgot what its called ), you and him played around the lake splashing the water around you both.



I'm sorry if this is pretty short, I just want to keep this story alive atm 😢


280 words

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