She asked. "I-..I..Oh dear.." I could barely get words together, Y/n looked..a bit down if I may say. "You're as cold as death. Whats happened to you??..Your coat!"

"Victoria.." I looked at Y/n and then back at Victoria. Y/n is awfully quiet. "I confess. This Morning...I was terrified of marriage..But then" I looked at Y/n once more, I don't understand, Why I look at her, And find much comfort. I mean she is my childhood friend. A surprise I'd be marrying her cousin.."On" I did..hesitate.. "I felt.. I should be with you..always and that our... w-wedding.. could not come soon enough.." I glanced again at Y/n, Her eyes if she was hurt.

"oh victor, I feel the same" Victoria leaned closer as So did I..But I saw Emily. I cupped Victoria's face. "Victoria.. I- see- I- I seem to find myself married and you should know its unexpected- oh!" we all gasped at the sudden wind.

-Y/N's POV-

"My darling, I just wanted to meet- *gasp* Darling.. Who's this?" Emily quickly held onto victors arm and held my hand.

"who is she?"

"I'm his Wife"


Wait you don't understand. She's Dead. Look


"Emily No!" I grabbed onto victors hand as Emily wrapped her arms around him as he yelled out for Victoria as we fell into a dark abyss and appeared back in the land of the dead.

-Emily's POV-

"You lied to me! Just to get back to that other woman!"

"Don't you understand? You're the other woman."

"No! You're married to me! She's the other women" I started to sob, How does HE not understand?. "she's got a point" "I agree" I heard both Elder Gutknecht and Y/n say.

"And I thought, I thought this was going so well!" I sobbed continuously as I used my veil to wipe my tears."look I'm sorry but...This just cant work" Victor told me.

"why not?...It's my eye..Isn't it?" Emily said assuming that was the reason. "No...Your eye is..Lovely. Listen, under different circumstances, Well, Who knows? But we're just too different. I mean you're dead."

"Then you should've thought about that before you asked me to marry you". Victor responded eagerly, "Why can't you understand? It was a mistake. I would never marry you."

I sighed as I heard the rest gasp. '..Never marry me.. How am I so foolish..' I simply walked away quietly. I could feel my heart ache.


Victor walked towards me and away from the Elder gutknecht.

"That Wasn't very nice of you Victor...'Other women' 'I would never marry you' Bloody Hell Victor, Are you insane? Even a dead girl gets hurt by such words. You just had to go see Vicky. It's nice to see you care for her but lying doesn't make things better now..." I sighed.. 'I wish I was the one you cared for...'

"Well, Y/n-" "Don't say anything more Victor, Who knows what you'll say next.."


Rose's for Eternal Love

Lilies for Sweetness

Baby's Breath.

HIIIIIIIII PEOPLE I'M BACK, Lemme tell you, School sucks *ss. Anyways I'm SOOOOO sorry for the VERY long wait, I am human too. I have been busy with A LOT of stuff and I haven't had time to write sooo I am glad to be back and hopefully I don't get interrupted, Sorry if this is short, Hopefully next week I'll have another chapter up!! I hope you all enjoyed, Have a wonderful Day/Night.

- Your author :))

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