It All Started with a Mask

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But why the mask?  "For crying out loud lady, they said it was a virus and folks are dying from it"!! 

Yes, and you are correct- but what was it really? This and other questions, many can not answer and many do not know!

Could it be that we have seen this before and that there is nothing new under the sun? 

Let's take a look: 

Have we seen this before? Yes and it seems to be connected to some sort of submission!  But before you shoot me down- let's take a look at the Serpent and what he said about the masks!

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Have we seen this before? Yes and it seems to be connected to some sort of submission!  But before you shoot me down- let's take a look at the Serpent and what he said about the masks!

Update April 5th, 2021 Health Canada Issues an alert and recall for disposable masks due to toxicity risks to lungs. 

STUDY: Long term mask use breeds microbes that infiltrate the lungs and contribute to advanced stage lung cancer

A new study finds that cultivation and enrichment of microbes on the face can and cause inflammatory responses and advanced stage lung cancer. The nose and the mouth were designed to take in oxygen without strain, uninhibited. The oxygen travels down the trachea and splits off into two tubes called the bronchi. From there, the oxygen travels down a series of bronchioles until it reaches the alveoli, which are tiny air sacs covered with blood vessels. These air sacs take the oxygen directly to the heart, where it is .

When a person exhales, the process is put in reverse and the lungs exhale carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide gas is the vehicle that allows the organ systems to rid the body of wastes. When this process is obstructed or restrained for prolonged periods of time, the lungs and the heart struggle to nourish the rest of the body. Long term mask wearing also hinders the body's natural ability to detoxify wastes, creates an acidic environment, and slowly strains the organ systems throughout the body.

Masks are priming the lungs for inflammation and lung cancer pathology

A study published in the journal Cancer Discovery finds that lung cancer progresses when the lungs are forced to regurgitate microbes. Prolonged mask use creates a moist environment that cultivates microbes. This toxic environment not only forces the person to regurgitate their own wastes, but also inundates the lungs with microbes that cause a toxic environment that feeds lung cancer.

Yet many wore Mask and asked no questions, had no concerns.   It get's even more unbelievable as we proceed.

It's the perfect storm and here is why...

 A Virus hits= Many believe everything they are told =Many become afraid= lose all common sense to research a matter out! 

Shall we continue...

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