Chapter One

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The wet cafeteria mush made a repulsive sound as it plopped down onto Matthew's tray. "Next!" The curly headed lunch lady bellowed, although he could barely hear it over the clamor echoing around him.

He walked over to the water cooler and grabbed a small bottle of Canada Dry, his favorite. All of the sudden, he was tackled from behind.

"YO, BROTHA!" A voice called. It was alfred, his popular and annoying older twin.
"W-what is it, alfred?" He replied with a small squeak, having been the wind knocked out of him.
"Dude, can I borrow five bucks?" Alfred said back laughing. "I kinda owe Matthias some."

Matthew sighed as he pulled out his red and white leather wallet. As soon as he almost had enough to go on the school trip, his fanatic brother had to get in some sort of trouble. He handed the bill over to Alfred, then walked silently to the edge of the cafeteria.

He got ran into a few times, which wasn't abnormal, before finally reaching his desolate little bench at the far end of the giant room. There was a light, warm breeze of air coming from an air vent to the left of him, and the bench was uncomfortable, and a bit.. Crusty. Thinking about it made matthew gag, but it was the only spot that was always empty, and people never seemed to bother him much there.

Well, not many people bothered him anyways, he was mostly invisible, except for Alfred, the faculty, and one dark-skinned Cuban boy named Juan. They were good friends when little, but when high school happened, he pretty much left Matthew. Only on a few occasions he stopped by and said hi.

He wasn't really sure whether Juan forgot about him or was in trouble for smoking. Probably a mix of both.

Matthew dug his plastic spork into the strange mush that he was given. It tasted horrible, but it was all he had to eat. He gulped down Canada Dry after ever spoonful, hoping to wash out the nasty flavor, but even his beloved drink couldn't erase the aftertaste of whatever was in that "food" he was given everyday.
The bell rang about halfway through his meal. He tossed the meal in the garbage can near his table and shoved the remainder of his drink in his backpack. Matthew walked hurriedly to his next class, geometry.

He seated himself near the window in the back corner, near a few shape pun posters that his teacher, Mr. Wang, loves to collect. He stared at them and chuckled at them. Horrible jokes were still rather funny to him.
His attention was diverted to the front of the classroom as Mr. Wang tapped loudly on the chalkboard. "We have a new student today," he said loudly in his mild Chinese accent,"Make sure to be kind!"
Matthew stared at the tall, ash blonde boy standing next to his tiny teacher. He had his hair pulled back into a ponytail, and was wearing a red sweatshirt, similar to his own. He blushed at the new kid, he thought he was handsome, especially his rugged, masculine face.

"Introduce yourself," the teacher cracked.

The boy gave a small huff. "I'm... I'm Matt.." He said in a gruff tone.
"Okay, sit down and get out paper, we work with shapes now."
Matt scanned the classroom slowly, his eyes finally resting on Matthew, who broke into a flustered sweat.

((DUN DUN DUNNNNN!! Will update sometime Saturday or Sunday.))

Canadian, Please! (A red velvet pancakes fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora