"Calm down. It's just me, Trystan. There's nothing to worry about. I'm not gonna do anything"

But that's thing, he is. He's messing with my head and I don't know if that's just him or he's messing with me. Everything that i've promised myself are now broken.

I don't want the thought of everything my father has done to me to come back to my head. He's the one reason i've made so many promises to myself.

"Sorry, it's a habit" I apologize.

"No, don't apologize for it. My mom suffers from anxiety too." I send a quick smile to him and look away, back out the window.

He pulls the car into a parking lot right in front of the beach. The beach.....my favorite place. I love coming here, it's so calming and such a free space to be able to think. Not many people know that because everyone thinks i'm this girl who isn't afraid of anything or doesn't get affected by anything.

My hand is still wrapped in his but we both don't move them.

"I may or may not have known that your favorite place is the beach...." I turn my head quickly at him.


"Your instagram.... It's filled with many pictures of you at the beach."

"So you've been stalking me?" I question, smiling at him.

"I wouldn't say stalking, more of observing" We both laugh and climb out of the car, letting go softly of our hands.

We walk up the board walk maybe a little too close to each other. Everyone looking at us definitely thinks we're dating. Maybe I should move over a little bit.... maybe I shouldn't.

"Where do you want to eat?" He asks me.

"I'm not sure. I don't really know any places on this boardwalk"

"Oh okay. Does pizza work?"

"Yea that's fine."

We walk into a pizza restaurant and seat ourselves at a two person table. He pulls the chair out for me and sit down while he pushes the seat back in. Then walks around and sits in the seat across from me.

"This isn't a date" I assure him.

I'd be lying if I said I'm happy it's not a date because I do wish it was. But then I don't want to be the girl that goes and steals the boy away from his girlfriend.

"Not a date" He repeats. "Not a date" He mumbles to himself, quietly disappointed.

A server comes up to us and we order a a large pepperoni pizza. We talk about everything and anything. Letting everything go like we've known each other forever.

"So tell me, what's with the mohawk and tattoo" I ask him, taking a sip of my drink.

He laughs slightly. "I don't want to talk about it. Maybe another time" I nod instead of trying to urge it out of him. I know how it feels to not want to speak about something and someone trying to force it out of you.

"What about you, why'd you move here?"

I take a breath in and sigh. "Not ready to talk about it yet." And I'm not but i'm also not sure we're at the point that he should know that stuff about me yet.

"Okay that's fine".

We talk about our family's but I choose to leave out my parents and only talk about my brothers. His mom seems so nice and his dad seems so distant. Seems like we have something in common there.

We leave the restaurant with a box of pizza for my brothers and we walk around on the beach, my hand in his.

"Why do you like the beach so much?" He asks, breaking the silence between us.

"I don't know. It's just a good place to think and the waves and water are calming."

"Noted. Now I know to take you here again"

"So there's going to be another time?"

"Only if you let there be."

"Maybe. Only if you let me see your hair out of a mohawk" I laugh.

"No way. No one has seen it like that"

"Come on, your mom defiantly has"

He laughs, "Okay well she doesn't count."

My phone blows up in pocket, I take it out and hundreds of messages are showing up from Kendall. Demanding me to get home.

"Fuck, Hawk I really have to get home"

"Why? Are you going to turn into something at midnight or something" he jokes.

"No it's my brothers. He wants me home "

"Then ask your parents to stay out longer"

"He is my parent. I have to get home" He looks at me confused but he chooses to ignore it.

"Okay, let's go"

We walk to the car, our hands still together, swaying back and forth. Again he opens the door for me and I climb in as he walks to the drivers side.

The ride home is silent, not one word out of either of us besides telling him where to go.

We arrive at my place and sit there for a little bit.

"I had a really good time with you tonight, Trystan" He says and smiles.

"Me too." I agree.

He starts to lean his head in, closing his eyes but I quickly back away. "We can't" I tell him.

"Why not?" He asks.

"As much as I want to, you have a girlfriend"

"Oh....right" he says disappointed. He starts to lean in again and kisses me on my forehead. "Will you start answering my texts now?"

I open the car door slightly. "I'll think about it. Goodbye Hawk" I smile and climb out of his car, grabbing the pizza and taking it inside.

When I walk in Kendall and Elijah are both sitting on the couch and the look on Kendall's face is not cute. "Where the hell have you been?" He asks annoyed.

"I hung out with a few friends after karate. I texted Elijah and told him i'd bring home dinner for him"

"We don't have money to spend like that Trystan. You out of all of us should understand that"

"And I do. I didn't pay for it, he did"

"He?" He stands up getting defensive.

I smile starting to walk away, placing the pizza on the table. "I'm leaving now and going to bed"

"You we're on a date!" I hear them both yell excitedly.

Losing My Edge || Hawk Cobra KaiWhere stories live. Discover now