safe place

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a/n - yay ! finally an actual iconnnn *blep*

TW: discussion of past abuse

Kiyoomi wears gloves.

This has never surprised Atsumu, considering he's not the fondest of germs and he doesn't take kindly to physical contact, especially with strangers. Kiyoomi's insistence on always wearing gloves - even during practice, during games, has always been a quirk, but nothing the setter didn't expect.

What did surprise Atsumu, however, is the fact that the gloves stayed on long after they started dating. They stay on through meal times, through dates, through sex - if Atsumu didn't know better, he'd think it was some weird sort of kink. But he does know better. And he knows there must be a reason behind it.

Kiyoomi never talks about it, though. Not even subtle hints. He treats the gloves as if they're not even there - Bokuto and Hinata have thus far been the only people dense enough to even ask about it. And they're always supplied with the vaguest of non-answers. Everyone else just treats it as an immovable fact.

And Atsumu is okay with it, he really is. He has no problem what so ever with his boyfriend and his thing for gloves. He loves Kiyoomi no matter what. Unconditionally, that's what he agreed to the first time he said it five months ago, in the cold of a January morning. And he'll if he's going to break his promise over a stupid pair of gloves.

But just because he's okay with it, doesn't mean he doesn't wonder.

It's impossible not to. It's only human nature to want to know the story behind them, to want to know why your boyfriend only lets himself be truly bare in the shower - which you are not allowed to bare witness to, by the way, even after dating for almost two years now.

He just can't help it. He feels guilty about it every single day, but he can't help it.

And there will always be a part of him that wants them off - that wants to feel the touch of his boyfriend against his skin, that wants that closeness, that intimacy.

But he can't have it. It's not his to have, it's not even his to want.

They wake up later than usual because they have a game today - by all accounts, it should be a really good day. Because they get to sleep in late together and wake up together and eat a lazy breakfast together.

But Atsumu messes it up first thing in the morning - he messes up a lot of things, but his relationship with his boyfriend is never something he thought would fit into that category.

He wakes up to an empty bed and the very pressing need to pee pushing against his bladder. Kiyoomi is probably up and about by now - he always is, up by seven, even on days where they can sleep until noon, rolling around between kisses and giggles. God, why did he have to date a morning person?

His mind is still hazy with sleep when he brushes the covers off and heads straight for the bathroom - he regrets drinking so much wind last night. Why didn't he just take a piss before getting into bed last night like every other person with even a modicum of intelligence?

On unsteady feet, he stumbles to the bathroom, pushing his way through the door and-

The clattering of shampoo bottles dispels any remaining sleep from his mind, clearing the fog and alerting him to the pattering of running water and a harsh, deadly sharp silence.

Atsumu whips head to the fogged up shower, suddenly realizing his mistake as he hears a harsh intake of breath. His mouth drops open - oh no. This...isn't the best thing he's ever done.

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