Chapter One

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"You're so damn handsome." Kaoru's words slurred together, almost a whisper, but they were still understood. Kojiro felt his heart race, but quickly tried to push that aside as helped Kaoru off the couch and into his room.
All Kojiro had wanted to hear for years was that Kaoru loved him, or at least thought of him in any sort of romantic way. Kojiro paused, taking a moment to close his eyes and inhale deeply, trying to reset his brain to focus on the task at hand; Getting Kaoru to bed.

"Come along, Princess." Kojiro teased, shifting his arm under Kaoru, trying to help assist him in standing up straight.
Kaoru's golden eyes were closed, his phone falling out of his hand and onto the couch as he tried to stand up, an arm loosely hanging over Kojiro's large shoulders. Kaoru's index finger tracing little circles around Kojiro's neck. He unbuttoned another one of Kojiro's shirt buttons, allowing more access to trace larger circles on his chest.

"I truly do understand why all the girls flock to you, you're irresistible." Kojiro looked down at the slender pink haired man before him, blushing slightly.

"Kaoru," his voice laced with concern, "You are gonna be so pissed about this tomorrow." Kojiro turned into his heels in one quick movement, sliding his other hand under Kaoru to pick him up. Kaoru giggled, resting his head in the crook of Kojiro's neck.

"Such a strong gorilla." Kaoru almost purred, sending goose bumps down Kojiro's arms. His heart felt like it was doing flips, having Kaoru so close like this, hearing sweet nothings. Sure, he knew the teasing and tormenting comments came from a place of love, sort of, but this version of Kaoru was foreign. Kaoru had never allowed himself to be so intoxicated before, he always held himself to such a high standard. If this had been any other time, Kojiro wouldn't be concerned. Kojiro understood more than anyone how stressed Kaoru was with work and S, so letting his hair down and having enough alcohol to forget his problems for the night was well deserved.

But the timing was bad.

Kaoru was now completely drunk, saying things he didn't mean, because of Adam. Kaoru had healed up enough from the tournament to be discharged and do light work at his job, but Kojiro was now seeing the true underlying damage of the beef. Kaoru wasn't healed, not emotionally. Kojiro sighed, carrying Kaoru to his bedroom and laying him on his bed.

"You'll want to sleep this one off, Kaoru." Kojiro said softly, helping Kaoru slip out of his navy yukata, setting the golden obi carefully over the desk chair. He then helped tuck his legs under the blankets, trying to get Kaoru as comfortable as possible without pushing any boundaries. Kojiro pulled the blanket up to Kaoru's shoulders and smiled down at him.

"Don't leave me, Kojiro." Kaoru's eyes were still closed, his hair a complete mess as his hair tie was barely hanging on. Kojiro sighed, feeling his heart swell just a little at the sound of his name.
He glanced around the room before spotting the familiar wooden brush, and took out Kaoru's hair tie. Kojiro carefully brushed all of the soft pink hair back, and began braiding it.

He felt like they were back in grade school, when Kojiro was so entranced with how pretty Kaoru's hair was, that he had begged him and his mom to teach him how to braid it. Kaoru purred softly, reaching his hand out to Kojiro as he finished the braid and tied it off with the familiar yellow hair tie.

"I'm still here, don't worry." Kojiro said with a soft smile, keeping his hand up by Kaoru as he adjusted himself further down the bed.

"You're too far away, Kojiro. I can't see you."
Kojiro glanced up at him, before smirking.

"That's because your eyes are closed, Kaoru." He almost sounded sarcastic, but he scooted his body closer to Kaoru anyway.

This was entirely too bittersweet. It was almost starting to hurt.

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