They normally wear lots of makeup, and are very intelligent though they do have a concerning sweet tooth.


Ludum is a planet that once again is kind of like planet Varius, but instead of a casino, it's a video game center! I've never been but it does sound super cool!

Once again my parents say it's a waste of time.


My planet and Hospitium are really close, my parents don't tell me why though. Hospitium is a planet that takes care of people who are severely injured, like broken bones, close to death experiences. Now that I think about it, I think the reason my planet and Hospitium are such close friends is because the people on our planet get frostbite a lot.


Proelium is practically the death planet. If warts aren't starting or ending, they are in the middle of one. There are many sides and they are all against each other, fighting all the time, some even fight alone. Themselves against the world. I wish I could be like that. Being independent and doing whatever I want, whenever I want!

And finally, Last but definitely not least!

Gloria currus

Gloria currus is the planet where the racing is held. Where people come from every planet to come together and race!

They create or buy the best ˈsībərˌpəNGk type of cars they can afford.

Then they raced, technically to the death. Cause its so fucking dangerous i heard only one tenth of people that first start the game Survive till the end, sometimes only one twelfth survive.

Man, I wish I could be in the games.

But my parents won't let me

Speaking of my parents, where are they?

I start pacing round the frozen kingdom trying to find my mom, and after 10 minutes of aimless running, I found them. It looked like they were having an important meeting, so I tried to silently close the doors, but the doors were old and creaky and it sounded like. Crreeeeeekkk, and that how i got their attention.

I honestly thought I was gonna die.

"Nick, Darling"

My mom says,

"Would you do me a favor and come join our meeting please."

"J-join your meeting?!"

"That would b-be an honor."

I swiftly took a seat and realized I was sitting next to commander boli, the person in charge of our army, and healer jike, jike normally took care of most of the sick people so Hospitium wouldn't have too much trouble. As awesome as i t was, sitting next to two of the most important people in our kingdom, I wonder what was so important about why we were here.

"You all know the reason I ask you to come."

The room was silent but they node in agreement

"The Crystal Warp Pad is working once more."



"It was destroyed!"

"We Destroyed It!"

I probably should have listened to what everyone else was saying because I said.

"This is Great news!"

The room went silent but i didn't care

"This means we can visit other planets and do other things and-and!"

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