Part 1: The Proposal (not really)

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<Ruby's POV>
Ruby wakes up from having an amazing dream "Good morning world, good morning Zwei, and good morning Jaune!" He's still asleep "Soo he's still asleep huh. Well I'm not surprised." Ruby gives Jaune a kiss on his forehead. "I love you Jaune." "I love you too Ruby." "Wait wait wait... you were awake this whole time!?" "Yup" "Why didn't you say anything?" "Because I thought it was cute seeing you say good morning to everything." "You're the worst." Ruby's about to get up from bed. "Hey Jaune"
"Yeah Ruby-" she kisses him on the lips. "I love you Jaune, more than anything in the world."
"I love you too Ruby and I promise I'll always protect you." Ruby looks at Zwei "I still love you too a lot Zwei. Your the greatest Dog in the world!" Zwei let's out a little bark and gives Ruby a kiss. Ruby kisses him on the head. He then jumps on the bed and kisses Jaune. "Your just so cute Zwei, I always forget how cute you are." Zwei wags his tail and runs to the kitchen and Ruby follows him. "Ima go feed Zwei."

<Jaune's POV>
"Okay" he pulls out a box from the drawer. "C'mon Jaune Arc I'm gonna do it. I'm finally gonna propose to the love of my life. But the thing is I don't know how I should do it." Ruby comes in the room to ask him what he wants for breakfast. "Hey Jaune what would you like for breakfast?" Jaune freaks out and quickly hides the box behind him. "Uhh I would like Waffles with a glass of Orange Juice please." "Okay Waffles with a glass of Orange Juice coming right up. It'll be ready in a few minutes." "Okay thanks Ruby." "Your welcome" she leaves the room and starts making breakfast. "*Phew* that was so close... I don't know what would've happened if she saw it." He gets out of bed and gets dressed. "Hey Jaune Breakfast's ready!" "Coming!" He walks to the kitchen and sits down at the table while Ruby brings the food. "Man this looks delicious, thank you my love." "Your welcome, now let's dig-in!" Jaune takes a bite of his Waffles. "Dear god..." "What is it?" "These are the greatest Waffles I've ever tasted in my entire existence as a human being. You've outdone yourself Ruby." Ruby blushes, "thanks Jaune". In Jaune's mind, "okay Jaune Arc you can do this... just get on one knee and propose to her. OH MY GOD I'M SO NERVOUS!!!" He prepares to do it, "hey uh Ruby". "Yeah?" "I uh, we'll uh, what do you want to do today?" (Wow Jaune somehow screwed it up... well there's always tomorrow.) "I don't know... I'm fine with anything you want." "Ok" in Jaune's mind "Dammit why was I so nervous! I'll ask tomorrow... yes I'll do that, I'll be brave!" (Jaune's got this... probably)

<message from the author>
Well thank you guys very much for reading part 1. I had so much fun making it I really you guys enjoy it. I'll be uploading part 2 later today since it's past midnight. Anyway buh-bye everyone and have a great day!

Marriage Proposal!? A Lancaster Fan-FictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat