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Simon's POV-
I woke up abruptly as someone was pounding on my bedroom door. It was morning now...or afternoon who knows. I groaned loudly before getting up to the door. Fuck it if it's one of his friends. But no unfortunately it was the man of the hour. Josh fucking Bradley.

He looked as if he could kill me, but I rolled my eyes and went back to bed. He sighed madly and slammed the door. I jumped not expecting him to be so aggressive. "Why the fuck wouldn't you let me in last night?", he asks angry and I sighed and looked at him with a 'are you serious right now' look.

He stared at me and I stared right back before he scoffs. "And I thought girls were fucking complicated", he mumbles before sitting on his mother's old makeup desk thing. I raised an eyebrow at him and laughed. He thought I was being complicated? What about him?

"Oh I'm complicated? But what does that make you? Because I can tell you something the only one who's being complicated is you! What if I was still downstairs when your friends came over hm? Would you just go back to calling me names? Shaming me? Making me a responsibility not a option? Yeah I thought fucking so. Just leave... no never mind I'll fucking leave", I storm out getting my shoes and running out the house.

Now I need a place to stay, I still had my parents house but I just don't think I can go back, it has so many memories in it. I just want them to come home, so I could fix it and make it better. Make it so they don't go off on business everyday and I didn't cut them off completely due to my own fucking problems. Josh did this to me and I hate him for it.

They wouldn't of been on the road, at night, coming home to me if it wasn't for me pushing them away. They would of kept working from home like they did my whole life but I just had to tell them to go. All because I was being bullied. I'm such an idiot.

I walked to the cliff side, where me and Josh had been at one point. In the rain. I was falling apart. And then I was falling.

This is the end.

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