Chapter 1

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Author's Note: If you get easily queasy from Needles, don't read the bolded part <3

It's been a year since that day, and not a lot has changed. You were still Sir's tool, killing people left and right but this time it was, you had a goal. You weren't going to end these people's lives without avenging them, but you didn't know how.

You haven't stopped thinking about that Bakugou kid though. When you were with him, you felt agitated. In a normal situation, this wouldn't be a good thing, but since you've never felt any emotion in such a long time, it reminded you how much you yearned to feel something.

Hearing a noise, you closed your book, and saw Sir standing at the doorway.

"Congratulations Y/N," he hums and you turn to him.

"Congratulations on what?" you ask, keeping your deadpanned demeanor. When you came back that day without Bakugou, he was surprised. You told him you weren't able to find an opening to attack and he seemed to believe you, though you could never know what he was actually thinking.

"You're going to have a quirk," he grins, the malicious intent in his eyes brighter than ever.


You were wearing a hospital gown and staring at yourself in the bathroom mirror. You were about to go through another round of testing but this time it would be different.

Sir's lifetime goal has been to create a serum that would be able to generate quirks. He used to be a doctor but once they learned of his goal and how he was trying to accomplish it, he got stripped of his license. That's when he turned to the Mafia. Quickly, he rose to the top, bringing him where he was today. Now he's completed the prototype and was going to test it out on you, his precious tool.

At least, that's what he thought.

You walked into the room and a bunch of Sir's servants were wearing masks and gloves. As usual, you sit on the chair and the clasps hold you down on it. Quickly, you scan the room and something catches your attention. A shot, with a label on it. You squint your eyes, cursing yourself for always reading in the dark.

"Prototype #1," you read and you sigh with relief. Step one, complete. Now to get rid of the servants. You come up with a plan and breathe in, prepping yourself.

Suddenly, you break free from the claps, causing the servants to glance over at you. But before they could do anything, you knocked them all out. Walking on top of their bodies, you grab the serum and put it in your pocket. You walk out of the room and the rest was a breeze. There were guards at every corner but you were too quick at knocking them unconscious. You just finished knocking out the outside entrance guards, when you sigh.

"Gosh, I should've escaped earlier if it was this easy," you mutter, dusting your hands. You glance over your shoulder, and see all the unconscious bodies on the floor. A sight you were too familiar with. You walk towards the exit, the beginning to your freedom, when you hear a noise. You quickly turn around, ready to draw your dagger, but you see Sir. He was standing with two hands on his cane and a face that showed no emotion, quite like your own.

"What is the meaning of this, Y/n," he asks and you give him a cold stare.

"I've grown tired of you Sir," you shrug, "Guess I'm just being a rebellious teen."

"If you walk out those doors, you'll be an enemy to the Yuu Mafia," he says calmly and you cock your head, and smirk. Slowly, you reach into your pocket, and pull out the serum. Sir's eyes widen as you bring it up and quickly stab it into your right arm. Some sort of noise comes from Sir and you look up, with a devilish smile on your face.

"Take this as a declaration of war then," you grin and throw the empty needle to the ground.

You turn from the building and walk away, Sir not trying to stop you. Out of nowhere, the building explodes and a chuckle escapes your lips. From each guard you knocked out, you took a grenade that was a part of their utility belt and stuck it on the guard, timing it to go off as soon as you left the building.

"Enjoy the goodbye present Sir," you smirk and place your hands in your pockets and walk towards the nearest police station.


It's been a few hours since and you were back at the building, this time with hundreds of officers turning the place upside down, looking for pieces of evidence from the rubble. You explained everything, but left out the part with the serum. On your part, it was rash to blow up the place, but you deserved it, considering all of the toruture you've gone through because of this place. Also with the serum, you were planning to give it to the police so they could do good with it, but in the rush of adrenaline, you used it on yourself.

You walked through the rubble, the place that you once called "home." If this was really your home, why did you feel this overwhelming happiness inside of you seeing it destroyed by your own hands. Before you could question it any further, you notice a scruffy man, with jet black hair and a stubble, coming towards you.

"I'm presuming you're the kid they were talking about," he eyes your scars from all those years of being a test subject.

"And I'm presuming you're Erasure Head," you reply, remembering him from a lesson with Sir. A thick silence ensues between you two, until Erasure Head breaks it.

"What you did is wrong," he starts and you look up at the night sky. It was pitch black, with the stars twinkling. It reminded you

"But what they did to you could be counted as manipulation, so the police are letting you off the hook. You will be under surveillance for a while though," he glances at you, but you still were looking at the sky.

"That doesn't matter to me, I have nowhere to go," you say.

"Actually, you'll be placed under the 'Victim Recovery Program,' meaning that you'll have a small apartment to live in, provided by the government, until you're 21," he explains and you turn to him, eyes widened by the news.

"But," he quickly adds on and you internally groan, knowing it was too good to be true.

"You'll have to enter the Hero Course in U.A, and pass to become a Pro-Hero, so you can pay off everything," he finishes and you raise an eyebrow.

"So, I'm just going to pay off my debt?"

"Pretty much."

"Why can't I get a regular job then?" you ask and he looks you dead in the eyes.

"You've killed a lot of people in your 15 years of living, kid," he sighs "This is so I can keep an eye on you and so you can atone for your sins. Avenge the dead."

Avenge the dead, huh? Well that was my plan from the beginning anyway, I didn't think I'd do it like this though.

"Alright," you agree and bend down to the rubble to pick something up. Erasure Head watches you in confusion as you pick up the book you always read in your room, covered in soot. You dust it off, and see that it was practically untouched, if you ignored the burnt edges.

"Belong to you?" Erasure Head asks and you shake your head.

"It belonged to my father, a great man," you stand up and throw it into the small fire behind you, "Or so I thought."

Erasure Head wanted to ask but kept his mouth shut. He was about to lead you to the police station when you suddenly started coughing. He waits for you to finish but you continue, the coughing getting harder. He takes a step towards you but stops when he sees blood coming through the creases between your fingers. But with closer inspection, he sees that the blood

The world was spinning and the last thing you see is Erasure Head calling for the paramedics before everything turned black.

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