I must have dozed off because the next thing I knew, Mom was helping me out of the tub. I couldn't stop shivering. She helped me dry and get dressed. Dad had to help me to bed. They tucked me in and that's the last thing I remember. 

Exhaustion weighed on my eyelids. I couldn't keep them open. I wrapped my self up in my blanket and snuggled into the warmth. Everything else disappeared. 

When I woke again, it was dark and it was freezing. I made myself smaller. There should be an extra blanket in my closet. Sleep pulled at my eyelids but it was so cold. 

"I'm cold," I mumbled.

My phone lit up on the bedside table. I turned away from the sudden light feeling my eyes water. Against my better judgement, I grabbed it and looked at it from my under my blanket. I lowered the brightness and looked at the message.

'Do you want me to warm you up?'

I pulled the covers off my head and looked around. "Alexander?" I croaked out.

"I'll take that as a yes," said a voice by the window.

"Yeah," I whispered. 

I held out my arms. Almost immediately, I got a hug in return. 

"Hmm, I missed you," Alexander said. His squeeze tightened.

I snuzzled his neck. "I missed you too."

Suddenly, he pulled back. "Rin, you have a fever."


The lamp beside the bedside table turned on. I turned away in time to see Alexander reach into my closet. He looked for a bit before returning with an extra blanket.

"Did you take anything for it?" he asked.

I shook my head. "I fell asleep in the tub," I whispered. 

"I thought I told you to take care of yourself."


Shaking his head, he placed the extra blanket on me and joined me underneath both. I snuggled into him.

"You're warm."

"One of my many talents. Raising my temperature is nothing."

"I feel like my textbooks lied to me," I whispered.

He chuckled. "Depends on the vampire," he said. "Everyone has different abilities. The most common ones are public knowledge. The rest are not so widely known."

"Why am I only now learning this?" I grumbled.

"Since you're officially, my fiancé, I can tell you royal secrets."

I sat up but Alexander quickly pulled me down. "You'll get sick," he said. 

"B-but when did you propose?"

Alexander glared at me. "Did you forget what you said?" he asked in a very low voice.

I shrunk back. "Uh, no?"

He sighed. "I gave you a ring, remember? You told you would stay with me and quote always if that isn't a proposal, I don't know what is."

I ducked my head. He was right. I had said that. But I thought you were supposed to ask the other person to marry you. Neither of us said that. Sure, he mentioned it before but that didn't count. 

Alexander sighed again. "Seems like I'm the only one who took it that way."

"No," I quickly said. "I - just . .. wasn't it - " I rubbed my face. "I thought it was a promise."

The Vampire Prince graduates High School (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now