127  hours (part seven) 栄ェ意グ暗

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Warnings: Graphic injury detail, cursing, angst

Word count: 1031


as you stood there you could feel your heart was beating three times faster than normal, clenching your teeth. you picked up the knife taking deep breaths you suddenly plunged the knife deep into your arm, you hissed, shakily letting go of the handle, you stood there for a moment, adjusting to the pain.

You grabbed the handle again and began to twist the blade inside your arm hearing a light scraping sound through the tip of the knife. "bone" you whispered quietly. you knew there was no way you could cut through it with a shitty swiss knife.

with a deep breath you pulled the blade back out, blood began leaking from the wound. you wiped your fingers over the wound sucking the blood off them.

Then you took out your water bottle and drank the rest of your water..



picking up your camera you began to wined the tapes back to before I was stuck in here, a couple of them had Levi in it, you paused It so you could watch it play

*flash back*

"Here we have Levi the cleaning fairy" you giggled, walking into the room, Levi had his back turned towards you, cleaning the windows. "what do you want" he asked not looking away from the window. "say cheese" you grinned, zooming the camera into his face as he gave you an unimpressed look, crossing his arms over his chest.

Though he soon shook his head and gave you an amused smile as he went back to his work, "why don't you put yourself to good use and give me a hand by dusting those shelves" he said pointing but as he turned his head back towards you he saw you turning the corner, running out the door.

*flash back ends"

your bottom lip trembling, you smiled, seeing his face again after so long warmed your heart giving you comfort. after you gathered your self up you grabbed the blade and began to chisel on the side.

Rip (y/n) (l/n)

as you sat there chiseling away in the darkness you began to hear distorted sounds coming from the shadowed pathway behind you. glancing over your shoulder like a deer caught in head lights, your eyes wide, you soon went back to chiseling with a shaky hand

but it happened again, you jolted around now feeling afraid. you turned back around and rested your head on the rock with your eyes shut.

you don't know how you ended up falling asleep but it couldn't have been long because it was still pitch black, you lay there listening for a while but there was nothing but silence. taking a slow breath you shut your eyes and passed out.

*flash back*

they're dead. all of them, my entire squad, I watched them die one by one and there was nothing I could do, soon it would be my turn, I attempted to flee on my ODM gear but I didn't get far as I was swatted, my body slamming against a tree then landing on one of the branches.

My ears were ringing, I couldn't feel my body but the one thing that kept me conscious was the sound of my name being called. "(y/n)! stay with me" I hear a deep but familiar voice say while shaking me, some how bringing me back into conscious.

my eyes fluttered open to see pained piecing eyes staring back at me. "L-L-Levi?" I whimper as he placed his hand on my cheek, I leaned into his touch. "Levi I-I.." I coughed clutching my ribs "shhhh relax I'm getting you out of here" he said as he picked me up bridal style.

I laid my head on his chest listening to his heart beat, I could feel my own at the same time "I love you" I said with my eyes glazed over, "I love you too" he said as he heled me close and kissed the top of my head. "but don't you dare close your eyes, this isn't how you're going to die, I won't allow it" he said, his voice full of panic, I could feel it

"I wish I had been kinder to you" I whimpered, tears now running down my blood stained cheeks. "No don't you apologies, I'm the one at fault, I was the asshole" he said firmly, giving you a guilty look.

"we're here, we're gonna get you fixed up" he said landing on the ground. looking down at me he brushed the hair off my face. after that everything went, black.

*flash back ends*

(Levi's POV)

Hanji and myself rode on horse back side by side in silence. Our eyes were carefully scanning the area. then something caught my eyes up ahead in the tree line, it was a horse.. wait? is that (y/n)'s horse? a glimmer of hope struck through my heart. "do you see that?" I said to Hanji, her eyes were wide as she turned to me and nodded

I sped up with Hanji not far behind, as we arrived I jumped of my horse and ran over to (y/n)'s. but there was no one in sight but I let out a sight of relief, it felt like I was one step closer to finding her.

I began to pet her horses mane with a small smile on my face. "Hanji, go back to HQ and inform Irwin on the new information, we'll bring the search here, she has to be in this area" "right " Hanji nodded. then off she went.

I stayed silent, walking through the forest trying to ride in a straight line with (y/n)'s horse in tow, everything was unusably quite. the sun was beginning to set over the horizon and Levi knew he wouldn't be able to search for much longer.

I looked around carefully all my senses on high alert, hoping to pick up the slightest movement but there was nothing. deciding it was time to leave I turned around in my tracks and raced back towards HQ.

127 hours ~ Levi Ackerman x readerWhere stories live. Discover now