127 hours (part one) 穏り仮引

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(Just pretend there are camcorders in AOT for the sake of this, to understand what happens watch this ^)

Summary: you get into an argument with Levi, Leaving you upset and hurt so you leave HQ to clear your mind and take a journey into the unknown that will be life changing.

Warnings: arguing, angst, injury detail

word count: 1038


It was just an ordinary day, well as ordinary as being in the scouts gets but today was your day off. This was the first day you'd had off in almost two weeks, to say you were relieved would be an understatement.

You entered Levi's office with a tray of tea to lighten him up a little, these past few days he had been overloaded with paperwork, he was stressed and exhausted so you thought it would maybe help

"hey I made you tea, just the way you like it" you smiled, shutting the door behind you with your foot. "thanks" he said curtly causing you to frown but deciding not to push it you gave him another small smile as you placed the tray on his desk.

"would you like some help?" you asked, walking over to his side, standing by his shoulder. "it's your day off" he said in his usual monotone voice.

"I don't mind" you replied placing a hand on his shoulder to which he abruptly shook off. "Just leave me alone and let me work (y/n)" he said in a tone that caught you off guard.

"don't be such an asshole, I'm only trying to help" you retorted, crossing your arms over your chest. 

"Well don't be so stupid and annoying, I know it just comes natural to you but it's starting to get on my god damn nerves, you're distracting me as usual so just do me a favor and fuck off" he yelled, slamming his fist down on the desk.

you stood there dumbfounded, opening your mouth to respond but nothing came out. after a few moments he composed himself and picked his pen back up, returning to his work.

"I don't need your help, get out and take the tea with you" he said coldly, sending a pang of pain through your heart. "fine" you said quietly as tears brimmed your eyes but you wouldn't dare let them spill in front of him, picking up the tray you left without a word, finally letting your tears spill as you shut his office door behind you.

He had never treated you this way, you only wanted to help, you didn't understand what you had done to deserve it.

feeling hurt and angry you decided fresh air would do you some good and maybe help you calm down.

you stood in the kitchen emptying the cups and giving them a wash with Hanji sitting at the table working on one of her projects, the silence was comfortable as Hanji was one of your closest friends but you decided to keep your mouth shut about todays events, you didn't want to talk about it, you just needed to get away.

after finishing you dried your hands while looking down at Hanji's work experiments. "you want me to explain it to you" Hanji grinned looking up at you.

"how about tomorrow, today's my day off so I'm gonna go get some fresh air" you said giving her a small smile.

"oh, where are you going?" Hanji asked, returning to her work. "I don't know yet" you replied, walking towards the door

"have a good one" Hanji called giving you a wave. "always do" you called back, shutting the door behind you.


You had been riding your horse for about two hours now with no particular destination in mind but you came to a stop at the entrance of a rocky cliff terrane which would be too narrow and difficult to take your horse so you dismounted it by a close lake and took out your water bottle filling it to the top with water.

bidding your horse farewell with a pet of his mane you turned on your heel, setting off on the long journey that lay ahead of you.

it was about mid day, the sky was the shade of soft baby blue and there wasn't a cloud in sight, the sun was beating down as trees flourished and flowers bloomed

out of your peripheral vision you spotted a large split in a cliff which was about 60ft high but at certain parts further along the cliff there were more splits and narrow pathways pondering for a moment on which direction to take you decided to just go with the one that was in front of you.

you walked down the path in awe, admiring the scenery, you loved embracing the great outdoors and exploring, it was something you done a lot as a kid so you were well experienced and knew the do's and don'ts. Or, you thought you did.

You came to a stop at a little drop in the path, about 15, maybe 20ft high, it looked easy and narrow enough to descend so you stepped on the bolder before you, putting your weight on it to make sure it was sturdy enough, after a few stomps you were satisfied that it would be fine and began to descend with your arms and feet on one wall and your back pressed to the other you switched position, shimmying your way down, you grabbed the boulder for support and as you did you felt it shift and your heart dropped along with the boulder, thinking this was it, you were going to die you let out a scream. closing your eyes tightly you braced for darkness that never came, instead a sharp numbing pain shot up your arm leaving you lightheaded and woozy

You slowly opened your eyes and felt your mouth drop with shock and horror at the sight before you.

towards the bottom of the drop the path and walls were so narrow the boulder had been wedged between the walls, along with your right hand, supporting the rock.


okay we'll stop here, a little suspense. If you like it and want me to continue let me know

127 hours ~ Levi Ackerman x readerWhere stories live. Discover now