Chapter 2

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 The morning sunlight shone through the window across the room, luring him to wake up and rub his eyes sleepily. Sitting up, he yawned a bit as he looked around the room. Getting up, he walked towards the window and closed the window, the light having agitated his eyes. Tiredly, he looked over at the clock on his wall, before freezing up. It's eleven in the morning already?

Quickly, Linguini rushed to the bathroom, taking a swift shower before drying himself off. Getting dressed in his newest suit, he tried making sure everything was alright. After making sure every single button was done, he looked around for a tie. Even if this was just a casual meal, he wanted to make a good impression. As he attempted to tie a bowtie, he messed up nearly instantly. "Oh come on..."

He kept mumbling to himself as he kept trying to make his bowtie, succeeding after about ten minutes. "That took longer than it should have..."

After brushing his teeth and getting his shoes on, Linguini was finally ready. He looked at the time, desperately hoping he wouldn't be too late. 11:40. There was still time! Rushing to the front door, he opened the door and saw the weather outside. It was cloudy, but not raining. However, he decided to grab the umbrella from yesterday just in case. It'd be a shame if it started raining as he was eating with Remy. Walking to his car calmly, he sat in the driver seat as he set the umbrella in the passenger seat next to him.

Pressing his foot onto the gas pedal, he drove to the cafe Remy has mentioned. As he got there, he parked on the street nearby before getting out, deciding to pull the umbrella out of the car with him. As he headed to the cafe, he saw Remy sitting at a table, their food already prepared. A mocha latte was sitting for Linguini, while Remy had a spoonful of water. As Linguini sat down, Remy held out a single red rose for him.

Linguini saw and felt his cheeks heat up slightly, taking the rose from him as he smelled the sweet aroma of the lovely flower. He set the flower down gently, wanting to take it home with him later as he drank his latte. "Have you been good these past few years, Remy?"

The small animal nodded a bit, licking up the water from the spoon before finishing after a bit and sitting upright on the table. Linguini smiled a bit at this. "That's good. I'll be honest, everything that happened with Colette was... rough. My last few months with her were difficult, and-"

 He suddenly stopped speaking as he felt something small touch his hand before looking down, seeing Remy sitting by his hand, touching Linguini's hand with his own gently. The furry creature was looking up at him with a small smile, causing Linguini to blush a bit more.

"Do you, maybe, uh... want to go to my house...? It's fine if not, though, I won't judge you..."

Remy nodded eagerly, much to Linguini's delight, before crawling onto his hand as Linguini held him up with a gentle smile. "Okay. Do I still have to pay?"

The small rat shook his head as a way of saying no, causing Linguini to pet the small animal before walking back to the car, picking the rose up with his free hand. He got into the car, laying Remy and the flower on the dashboard before setting his hands down on the wheel. "Then, let's get going. I'm sure we'll have fun..."

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