Celebration time~11

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You were talking with Ciel about different pastries when Mey-rin rushed in the room, tripping over a coffee table.

"Mey-rin, are you ok?" You asked jumping out of your seat and over to the fallen maid. She looked at you and tightly gripped your forearms. "The hospital called, Eri has awakened!" Mey-rin choked out while gasping for air. "What, really,  when did she wake up, is she ok, when will she be released-?" You covered Mey-Rin with questions before Sebastian covered your mouth. "Yes, really, now, yes, and in a few days." Mey-rin counted off her fingers and your face lit up, Sebastian sighed. "Go get dressed." Sebastian slightly ordered and you held no hesitation to do so. "I'll meet you outside!" You stated and headed upstairs. You instantly started to undress and tripped a few times but that didn't crush your happiness. You dressed yourself in-(chapter picture)- and braided the left side of your bangs and put some of your (H/C) hair in a bun on the left side behind your braid and let the rest fall onto your shoulders. You put on some cateye shades before opening your window and stepping out onto the ledge and jumped on the tree that was close to your window.

You opened the carriage door and hopped in, you had a small conversation with Finnian as he sat in the driver's seat. Ciel and Sebastian finally arrived and he raised his eyebrow at you. "I know, my fabulousness is awesomeness." You smiled while placing your left leg over your right and Ciel face-palmed to cover his blush. "I meant, how'd you get here before us?" Ciel asked looking back at you and you shrugged. "I soared out the window." You stated and kept a straight face. "You and your imagination." Ciel said sighing. "No really, I jumped out the window, and onto that tree." You said sliding your glasses up onto your fore-head and pointed out the window. "I do that all the time when I can't sleep." You smiled and put your shades back over your eyes. "Let's go Finnian." Sebastian ordered and the carriage started moving. I can't wait until we reach the hospital!  You thought while bouncing in your seat.

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.45 minutes later-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

"We're here (Y/N)." Ciel said shaking you slightly, and you swatted him away. "She must've passed out from excitement.." Ciel said picking you up and dropping you on the ground. "Ow! What the- We're here!" You jumped up, completely forgetting about what just happened. "Can we go in?" You asked Sebastian and he nodded. To tell the truth, now that you were actually going to see Eri, you were getting a bit nervous.. "What happened to all that excitement?" Ciel asked and you smiled softly.  "It's been 8 months, I'm just nervous I guess.." You said placing your hands on the door and slightly pushing it open. "We'll be in the waiting room, ok?" Ciel whispered to you before leaving. "Eri?" You asked and peeked inside, Eri's head was slightly turned towards the window and her purple/blonde hair was in a bun. "Hm?" Eri responded. "Are you ok?" You asked and she nodded with a smile. You slowly walk over to Eri and place your hand on hers. "So, does that mean we can go back home, and live like we used to?" You asked and gave her hand a little squeeze.

She whipped her head around to you and her eyes slightly widened. "Who're you?" She asked in a silent whisper, you let her hand go and your bangs covered your eyes. "Memory loss." You muttered. "You really don't remember me, Sebastian, or Ciel?" You asked and let your arms fall to your sides. "I remember Ciel and Sebastian, even Mrs.(L/N), b-but not you." Eri whispered the last part. You clenched your fist and forced a smile. "Well, I'll do whatever it takes to get my favorite maid back!" You placed a hand on your hip and a fist in the air before stepping out of the room. When you reached the outside, you fell to your knees and a tear slipped from your eye. After 8 months of waiting.. You thought while standing and wiping your eyes. You walked back to the waiting room, since Ciel was behind Sebastian, you whispered to him as you passed him.

"If I'm meant to stay away from Ciel, then I have no place in Eri's heart anymore, it looks like that's my only solution huh?" You ran into Ciel's arms and started to sob, while Sebastian looked at you with a confused look on his face. "(Y/N), what happened? Ciel said tracing small circles on your back. "She doesn't remember me!" You wheezed and grabbed his shirt tighter. "Sebastian went to get Eri, so we can go ahead and wait in the carriage." Ciel said picking you up and walking out of the automatic doors. Ciel sat up straight and you lied your head in his lap, he slowly stroked your hair for comfort. After a little while, Sebastian packed Eri's things on the carriage and they both got in. Neither one of you moved from your positions, instead, he kept stroking your hair. "We've decided to have a celebration party, master and mistress." Sebastian stated while placing his right arm on his chest, where his heart is. You could tell Ciel was ignoring the both of them and continued stroking your hair. You smiled and closed your eyes.

---Back at the Phantomhive's---

When your eyes fluttered open your head was still in Ciel's lap, but he had dozed off and he held his chin in the palm of his hand and his eyelashes rested on his cheeks. You flipped over on your stomach to get a better look at him, you placed your palms flat on Ciel's leg and pushed yourself foward, towards his lips. You shut your eyes and puckered your lips a bit, when you were inches away from his lips, the door to the carriage flung open. You yelped in surprise and fell to the floor. "Are you ok mistress?" Sebastian said holding out his hand for you to take and you abruptly stood up. "No no, I'm good!" You slipped past Sebastian, and avoided anyone who could see your cherry face.

When you walked into the mansion, music was playing, curisoty got the best of you and you headed for the music. You ended up in the ballroom where Eri's clebration was held, you turned on your heels about to leave when you were glomped. "It's nice to see you again, Ciel, what happened to your normal idiotic attire?" A guy asked you while crushing you in a hug, you barely understood him because he had an accent it was egyptian or something. "I'm not Ciel!" You exclaimed and pushed him off of you, he had unusual purple hair and yellowish eyes. "Really?, I assumed you were because he usually wear girlish attire such as yours." Soma said pointing at your clothes, you pouted and glanced away to where you saw Pluto stuck to the window. "Do I know you?" You sweat-dropped. "No, but I know you, you were dancing crazily at the previous party." Soma leaned on your back, letting go of all his weight and you struggled to keep him, and yourself standing. "Hey, where's Ciel anyways?" He whispered into your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. "I dunno, get off!" You practically shouted with a light shade of pink tinted your cheeks. He laughed and stood up on his own. "You sound just like him." You crossed your arms and walked off. You sat at one of the tables aligning the wall, you propped your elbow on the table and started playing with a rose that was placed in a vase. "What's the point of me being here if she doesn't even remember me?" You thought aloud and lied your head down on the table. "Hey, can I sit?" Someone asked and you just kept twirling the rose between you fingers, you knew it was Eri, probably coming to apologize. "I know that you're important to me, but I have no memory of it, do you thi-." Eri was cut off when you stood up and knocked the table over and wasting the water from the vase on her dress, you ignored everyone's stares and left the room. Geez, haven't you said enough?  You thought while walking out of the backdoors that led to their backyard. There's a pond here? You thought, walking along the dock.

---''Ciel's P.O.V.''---

"For the short time we were asleep, you already had the party started?" I said walking into the mansion alongside Sebastian. "Well why not, the prize of the party is already here." Sebastian smiled and I rolled my eyes, when we made it to the ballroom, the whole room was enveloped in silence as (H/C) flowed around the corner. "What happened?" Sebastian asked taking a handkerchief and wiping Eri's dress and Eri sighed. "It's not her fault, she abruptly stood and knocked the table over on me." Eri fiddled with her fingers, I sighed and walked out of the ballroom. "(Y/N)?" I called out and pushed open the backdoors. "(Y/N), where are you?" I called out again, I started walking towards the garden but I stopped when I saw something in the pond. I walked along the dock and sat on the edge, (Y/N) was floating atop the water, her arms were across her stomach and a red rose was placed on her left eye. "(Y/N)?" I asked and she opened her right eye, she glanced at me and simply replied "What?". "Come here." I stated and grabbed her underarms, pulling her out of the water. "I know what happened, you wanna talk about it?" I asked and she gave a slight nod. "How about we talk in my room?" I stood up while gripping her hand, she blushed and shook her head violently. "Uh, well we'll find out something, let's go." I smiled at her and she just looked at the ground. Hopefully she'll heal..

Well, this felt kinda rushed. .-. I apologize for waiting so long to publish, I've been working on this new story soo, yeah. I suddenly had inspiration and I couldn't stop writing! :3 Anyways.
             ~Thanks for reading!

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