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Warning(s): mentions of abuse (nothing too in depth)

Trauma can make people do many things; being selectively mute was just one of those many things. That's why you didn't speak — trauma. Your life would have been normal if you didn't stutter, if your father was actually around, if your mother hadn't left you with your grandfather. If you weren't part fox. 

Your life would've been normal. But it wasn't. It was far from it and today, it was only going to get worse. You woke up before the sun rose — as usual — and headed downstairs to make breakfast in silence. Once breakfast was ready, you carried a plate to your grandfather's room and handed it to him while setting a glass of orange juice down on his bedside table.

"Will you ever speak again?" He hissed, making your eyes snap to him. "I mean, honestly, you can't be silent your entire life!"

'I have been for most of my life, old man. It's mostly your fault too.'

You simply forced a smile before leaving the room, ignoring his yells and insults. You had grown used to the verbal abuse — it was better than the physical abuse your mother put you through. A soft sigh passed your lips as you headed to the kitchen and made your own plate, glancing out the window longingly. The only time you were allowed to leave the house was when you needed food from the Duke.

"One day..." You whispered to yourself, smiling slightly when you didn't stutter.

Lunch rolled around and the same encounter happened. It happened any time you entered that cursed room that he never left — him only getting out of bed to use the bathroom or bathe himself. You were just glad you didn't have to help with any of that. You silently cleaned the house after lunch, flinching slightly when howls pierced the air.

'Lycans out this far? Surely Mother Miranda and her lords didn't rip through everyone in the village.'

A loud banging was heard downstairs, followed by animalistic growls. You quickly hid yourself once you heard the door break down, knowing there was only one thing to do — save yourself. A few moments passed before growls were heard again, followed by your grandfather screaming — which came to an abrupt end shortly after it started.

The Silent Maiden [cassandra x fem!reader]  [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now