My teeth clenched. "Yes," I repeated.

"Good. Good girl," he whispered, turning his head so that he was looking down at me, his eyes on my lips.

I felt my stomach turn as he began to lean in. I tried to turn my head, my body squirming, but not too much in fear of what he would do or make Bucky do. I gritted my teeth and shut my eyes, feeling the warmth of his breath on my face, smelling the scent of liquor and mint. I felt the brush of his lips on my bottom lip first, until he forced my head forward by my hair and his lips were on mine fully. I remained stiff and unmoving, lips shut tight and whimpers echoing from my throat as he held his lips to mine and I felt the wetness of his tongue sweep across my lips. I couldn't help, but gag at the attempted intrusion of his tongue. Relief washed over me when he finally pulled away, my hand coming up quickly to wipe my mouth, disgust written all over my face.

"Playing hard to get eh? That's okay. I like my girls with some fight in them," He chuckled, gripping my hair tighter again until I cried out in pain. "Shall we give актив a show?" He ran his lips along my cheek as he spoke in a whisper. "Make him watch as I take you and show him who really is in charge?" He stood and dragged me to my feet with him, releasing his hold on my hair which had me stumbling backwards forcing me to catch myself on the wall behind me. "Take off your clothes."

My heart skipped a beat in my chest. "W-what?" I had heard him clearly, but it was the only words I could choke out.

The grin left his face and I was met with a cold stare. "You heard me."

My eyes grew watery instantly and I shook my head, what little boldness and courage I had leaving me. "No...p-please."

He pulled his handgun from the holster, cocking it before aiming at me. "I won't repeat myself."

This can't be happening. This cannot be happening. My hands shook as I reached for the hem of my shirt, fear and panic taking me over as I started to raise it over my head. The tears slid down from my eyes warmly, feeling utterly defeated and humiliated when I pulled the material over my head and it dropped to the floor. I paused then, my eyes on the floor, my body shaking with the sobs, unable to look at either of the men in the cell.

"Pants too. Come on," Dimitri urged.

I couldn't help, but look at Bucky then, seeing him unphased and unmoving, standing still as a statue, his eyes on the wall in front of him.

Please snap out of it. Please look at me. Please.

More tears slid down my cheeks and shaking hands gripped the waistband of my sweats. It was then that I heard and felt it, the sound of an explosion, one strong enough that it felt like the cement cell rocked around us, almost knocking us all off of our feet. Dimitri froze for just a second, his eyes wide, a hint of fear on his face and then he was moving for the door.

"Come with me актив," Dimitri called over his shoulder. "Lock her in."

Bucky turned on his heel walking quickly out the door and slamming it shut behind him before I could think of moving or trying to stop them. I heard the locks slide into place as I hurriedly put my shirt back on and rushed to the cell door, pressing my ear against it and hearing their fast paced footsteps up the hall. Another explosion rang down the hall, followed by the sounds of rapid gun fire and anguished cries. I pressed myself into the door, straining to hear and felt hope brim within me, praying that the explosions and gunfire meant someone was here to rescue us.

"Milady Jade?!"


"Easy with the 'Milady' stuff there point break, it's basically the equivalent of 'ma'am' and no woman wants to be called 'ma'am'. Jade! Oh Jade, where are you?" The second voice called. "Please be alive or Cap is gonna kill me..." it was said in a sing-song voice.

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