After Clara's death

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No one pov:
It had been months after Clara's funeral and all of the Afton kids where affected after there mother's death. Elizabeth the second oldest was seven years old when it happened. During the first few weeks after the funeral Elizabeth would not let her Father be alone for a moment afraid that her Dad would die like her mother.
Chris the youngest was six years old. Right after the funeral happened Chris started to have nightmares every night about his father's animatronics trying to kill him, but after waking from a nightmare in the middle of the night he ran into his brother's room on accident when he was going to his father's. The thing that surprised Chris was that Michael let him sleep in his room for the rest of the night, this would go on for mouths.
William was happy that no one knows that he killed his wife, but didn't like that he now had to deal with Elizabeth following him 24 hours each day. He would later kill the five missing children after two months had past by.
Michael was fifteen years old. The death of his mother is the hardest for him because he was the closest to her. After Clara is confirmed dead that is when Michael turned off all his emotions hoping that it would be easier for him to get over what felt like half his heart was cut out of him alive.

Elizabeth pov:
Siting at the kitchen table, across from her sat her Father who had a plate of eggs and a side of toast with butter and a cup of coffee. On my right Chris had the same breakfast as me a bowl of our favorite cereal with fruit cut into and for me a glass of chocolate milk, while Chris had plan milk.

Looking to my right was an empty chair that her older brother Michael would sit at when it was time to eat but for these past months he hasn't left his room once unless it was going to the restroom. 'When will Mikey come out and eat with us...' looks up at dad and sees him looking at a few papers while he ate 'Should I ask Daddy if Mikey had eaten?' taken in deep breath through my nose and released it through my mouth 'I can do this!'

William pov:
Looking at blueprints for his next animatronics while eating a peace of toast with butter on it

"Daddy" looks up from the paper and sees that his daughter had a look of worries on her face 'What could she want now'

"Yes Elizabeth what is it?" Now gaining the attention of his second son who was next to Elizabeth

"I was just wondering-" cutting her self off she looks back to the halls that went twords my room and....Michael's room
"Has Mikey been eating right?" those words brought me back from my thoughts 'Why would she ask that?'

"Why do you ask princess?" the look of worried spread on Elizabeth's face
"You see Mikey hasn't left his room once unless it's going to the restroom" Elizabeth looks down at the floor

'Wait I thought he had been eating lunch when I wasn't home' looking back at the halls he realized that Michael outdoors shoe looked like they hadn't been outside for a long time 'Has Michael been staying inside the whole time after Clara's death?!' quickly looks back at his daughter who looked at him waiting with an answer with Chris who was now hugging his Freddy doll tight

"Elizabeth sweetie I will talk to him ok"
Slowly she gave me a smile and a small nod to what I said

Chris pov:
Had been listening to everything that was going on with the talk about his older brother
'I hope Dad gets him to eat soon' looks at Dad one more time before finishing my bowl of cereal and putting it at the sink

No one pov:
Slowly after breakfast had finished William had cleaned everything up and grabbed his things before heading to work with Elizabeth ready to come along his walk to work and try to help him with what she could.
While Chris had snuck into his brother's room and sees that Michael is passed out on his bed with puffy eyes, slowly Chris gets into his brother's bed and cuddles his older brother hoping that it would make him at least feel better but while cuddling Michael Chris could fell his brother's bones
'Dad please help Michael'

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