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TWENTY NINE, siren song

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TWENTY NINE, siren song

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ASTER WASN'T SURE WHAT shocked her more: the fact that they didn't just die, or that Percy could control a whole medieval ship with his mind. Technically, it made sense, given that he was the son of Posiedon, but she was still surprised.

Either way, the Queen Anne's Revenge responded to Percy's every command. Somehow he knew which ropes to hoist, which sails to raise, which direction to steer. They plowed through the waves at what he said to be about ten knots. Annabeth had whispered into her ear that for a sailing ship, that was pretty damn fast.

Even though she would never tell him, Aster was secretly impressed with Percy.

Annabeth had gone below deck hours ago, looking green and saying the sea didn't agree with her. Aster stayed above deck with Percy, her mind racing.

Although she had changed out of her silk dress into old pirate clothes (which she hoped were clean), she still felt different. Like the magic still hadn't worn all the way off. Her sense of self, all of her aspirations were manipulated to the will of an ancient sorceress, and she had almost stayed there forever. It was times like these that Aster loved and thanked her powers, because without the plants speaking to her, she would have never known something was amiss, or that Percy was not himself. She glanced over to where he was positioned at the helm a few feet away, sea green eyes gazing out on the ocean, lost in thought.

Aster wondered if he felt the same, like something felt off. She tried to shake it off, but the uneasy feeling refused to leave her. She thought of all the young girls at the resort and how they had gotten there. Were they just victims of shipwrecks, manipulated into never leaving? How many were there by choice? Her mind floated to Reyna, who had shown her all around the resort. How had she and her sister gotten to the island? Aster let out a breath, trying to dispel the worries that plagued her. The more distance they put between them and Circe's Island, the better.

"What's up?" Percy asked, turning his burning gaze to her.

Aster raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"I mean you look all thinky and stuff. Something on your mind?"

Aster hesitated for a moment, but then spoke quietly. "Just reminiscing on our latest near-death experience. I just feel... off. I dunno why."

"Maybe the vitamin didn't agree with you." Percy snorted. "No, it's because you were all dressed up, that's why."

Aster scowled at him. "Contrary to your belief, I am a girl. And I can wear a dress if I really want to. In fact, I have. So, shut it."

Percy raised his hands in surrender. "Sorry, sorry. It was just... weird seeing you like that. Never mind."

Aster sighed, sitting and leaning against the base of the wheel. "No, you're right. But it wasn't that it was... everything." She glanced up. "Everyone there seemed so content. I wonder how many of those girls are there because they really want to be, or are being manipulated by Circe's magic. The girl who showed me around was our age, Percy. That could have easily been me or Annabeth."

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