Belle of the Ball

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Requested by ShitTheHotPockets

Harem style Secret Agent AU:

David x Reader x Gwen

Daniel x Reader x Jen

Mentions of Juliet/(S/n)

The longest oneshot I've done! Also the most complex.

⚠️ Warning ⚠️ none of this story is historically accurate. It's sole purpose is to be something fun to read! Also this story is super long cause I loved writing it, how you don't mind a long oneshot!


It was 1929 in London, England.

(Y/n) walked down the busy street, ignoring the glares other people have given her. It shouldn't bother her, especially because she's used to it by now.

It wasn't because of her race, it wasn't because of her sexuality, it wasn't the fact that she was a woman walking around alone.

It was because of the fact that she was wearing slacks. Black slacks and a white shirt that was unbottoned on the top.

Because of the other women's more modest and feminine fashion, (Y/n) stuck out like a sore thumb.

It didn't matter to her, so she continued her merry way. (Y/n) made her way towards the front edges of one of the castle, where it was heavily guarded.

(Y/n) walked by, but one of the royal guards grabbed her arm. She looked up at him, giving him a light glare.

"Do you mind?" She asked

"No visitors at this time," his arm tighten, "Queen's orders,"

(Y/n) used her free hand and lifted a hidden necklace she had. An earring that belong once to the Queen, now shaped as a necklace she wore. His eyes were dumbfounded at the familiar jewel, realizing who she was. The guard's arm loosen as she shoved her arm off.

"Now, excuse me, I'm here on a visit," (Y/n) popped a smirk, "Queen's orders,"

She was (Y/n) (L/n), the Queen's personal spy. Also known as her Majesty's Lily of the Valley.


"And so, in order to cause a distraction," One of her bosses spoke, "We're hosting a Mascerade Ball, we hope that you'll work behind the scenes and find the suspects,"

The three walked down a long corridor. Her bosses, the Miller's, explained their plan to (Y/n).

"Sounds to me like you should've just kept the castle on lockdown," (Y/n) walked along side both of them, "Why would we put that many people in risk?"

"These robbers don't attack in a large group setting," Miller continued, "They rather just take the crown rather than to deal with that many causalities,"

"Still, it sounds like a big risk were doing here Miller's," (Y/n) shrugged, "I've been in worse situations. I can work with this,"

"About that," the other Miller placed his hand on her shoulder, "America heard about the situation, so they sent their own spies here. To sorta help."

"Great," (Y/n) threw her hands up in frustration, "You're saying that not only we got a threat of robbery in one of the most secure places in England, but Americans are coming here to mess with everything!"

"It won't be that bad," Miller spoke, "You could work along side-"

"I work alone," (Y/n) turned over to them both, "I've been working alone for my entire life and that's it,"

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