Her snapped up "No! No... it's just, you're Carly's brother."

"And you're her best-friend." He sighed knowingly "I get it, but we're not kids anymore."

"Than why do you keep fighting like one?" Watching his jaw clench, unable to come up with a dispute, Ginny gave a sad smile before pulling away "I can't do this... us, not while you and Carly are barely speaking. I'm sorry." Ginny finally escaped the tent only to bump into Dalton "Shit, sorry."

"It's all good." He assured before frowning "Hey, have you seen my camera? I swore I took it to the car with me last night."

"Yeah, you did." She agreed with furrowed eyebrows "I don't know, maybe it fell under the seat?"

He only continued to frown "Yeah, maybe."

Ginny gave him a sympathetic pat before meeting up with Carly and Paige as they headed into the woods to empty their bladders whilst the boys packed up the campsite. The Jones girl looked to Ginny "So, how was your night with my brother?"

Her head snapped over as she almost tripped on a branch in shock "W-what?"

"His snoring." Carly chuckled "God, he's almost as loud as our dad. That's why Dalton slept in the car, right?"

"Oh, yeah." Ginny scratched at the back of her neck "Listen, I-I need to tell you something."

Paige bit her lip sheepishly "Is it about you and Luke breaking up?"

Ginny and Carly looked to the blonde in shock before the Jones girl turned to her best friend "Wait, what? Is that true?"

"Yeah, I--" She looked back to Paige "How did you know?"

"Dalton kind've told Blake this morning and then well, he told me." Paige gave an apologetic smile "I was waiting for you to bring it up..."

Carly looked to Ginny "You told Dalton and not me?"

Ginny groaned "I was drunk and we were playing a stupid game. Beside's I didn't want to spoil this weekend with my drama."

"Ginny..." Carly grabbed her hands, looking her in the eye "Your drama is my drama. That's what friends are for. We tell each other everything, remember?"

"Yeah." She whispered, feeling guilt begin to bubble in her stomach as she thought of her drunken tryst with Nick "You're right. But seriously, I'm fine. Luke and I had been over for a long time."

"Well, I for one think you're much better off." Paige shrugged with a smile before looking to Carly as the strawberry blonde pulled up her pants after going "So you and Wade talk some more?"

"We're just in different paces right now." Carly sighed "I mean, he hasn't given me a guilt trip for going, so I can't give him one for staying."

Ginny opened her mouth to comment when a breeze suddenly swept through the trees, bringing with the god awful smell of death "There's that smell again."

"I think it's coming from over there." Carly pointed and Ginny nodded, the pair heading towards it.

"Yeah, let's go follow the smell." Paige mumbled sarcastically.

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