Part 2: A Brand New Day

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Ext. Bungalow House/ Jacoway Residence - Day

We pan to get a view of a large Bungalow House. 

SUPER: Seattle, 2025

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SUPER: Seattle, 2025

Int. Bedroom - Bungalow House/ Jacoway Residence - Day

A  14 white teenager sleeps quietly in his bed, TOMMY.  A large G.I JOE POSTER decorates a section of the room with G.I JOE action figures also surrounding the room. A Female Golden Retriever, CHLOE enters the room and jumps onto Tommy's bed and starts licking Tommy all over his mouth. Tommy gets up and pets Chloe all over.


Hi, Chloe! Who's a good girl? Who's a good girl? You are sweetie! You are!

Int. Kitchen - Bungalow House/ Jacoway Residence - Day

Tommy walks out from his bedroom and Chloe follows him from behind. 

FAHAED, Tommy's dad and SARAH, Tommy's mom is drinking coffee at the kitchen table with Sarah in her Monarch business suit and Fahaed in his business suit in the kitchen making toast.


Good morning Mom!


Good morning sweetie!

Sarah kisses Tommy on the head.

Tommy walks into the kitchen and grabs some Cinnamon Toast Cereal from the pantry.

Tommy walks over to his dad.


Good morning Dad!


Good morning, Tommy!

Tommy grabs a bowl and dumps half of the Cinnamon Toast cereal into the bowl.


When are you going to work Mom?


In 5 minutes, the Uber is about to pick me up. 


I'm heading over to the office in 30 minutes.


Cool. (grabs milk from the refrigerator and pours it in his cereal)

Tommy grabs a spoon and puts his bowl on the table.

Sarah pulls out her phone and gets a notification.


Oh, that's time! got to go! love you both!


Love you to Mom!

Sarah opens the door and walks out.

Ext. Bungalow House/ Jacoway Residence - Day

Sarah walks to a Rolls-Royce  with Monarch logos all around it and gets in the passenger seat.

Int. Rolls-Royce - Day

Sarah sits in the passenger seat were Dr. Ling Chen is driving.


Good Morning, Dr. Sarah.


Good morning, Ling. Nice breeze it is today right?


Yeah, very bad news is tomorrow it's suppose to be chilly. 


Yeah, that sucks! 

Sarah laughs.

Ling chuckles a little bit too.


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