Part 3: School Time/Investegation

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Int.  Science Room - Southtown High School - day

Tommy and his classmates are in class making chemicals each with a partner.

Tommy starts mixing some chemicals together which causes a puff explosion that splashes all over Tommy.


God dang it!

We pan to see a 16-year-old teen wearing a STAR WARS T-Shirt, OLIVER.


Hey dude it's really easy did you listen to Mrs. Wilson?

Oliver moves out revealing a balanced liquid in his Science Jar. 


Sorry, there's just a lot on my mind.


What is it?

Tommy leans closer to Oliver.


My mom is leaving a little early to head to work.


You're mom works at Monarch right?


Yeah, After the football game today I'm sneaking in to Monarch at midnight. 


Dude are you crazy?!


Yes, but I"m finding out what's going on, She's spending time working over there then home with me.


Well, don't say a word about me when you sneak in. I have nothing to do with this.

Ext. Monarch Outpost  89 - Day

We pan to get a view of the high-tech Monarch Outpost 89 facility. 

SUPER: Monarch Outpost 89,  Seattle, Washington

Int. Monarch Outpost 89 - Day

Scientists are hard at work as Sarah and Dr. Ling both stare at the large titan map inside the outpost.

On the Titan map, a new titan starts slowly roaming.


Last night an Alpha Titan attacked a nuclear power plant all the way in Cuba.




No, we haven't seen him in a year. We hyposithis he is sleeping in his Lair deep in the  Hollow Earth.


Have you been able to study the Alpha Titan?


We have begun to study it but all we know so far is it lived around the same time as Godzilla. Like the other titans it disappeared and hid in the sea below.


I'll lead a team to follow this thing, this could be just the beginning for another Titan War.


Smart, I'll try to provide as much as I can from here.


Alright, see you later!

Sarah and Ling shake hands.


Ext. Pacific Ocean - day

A Monarch helicopter flies over as 5 more Monarch helicopters fly from behind.

The lead helicopter has two pilots inside along with Sarah.

Int. Lead Monarch Helicopter - Day

Sarah has the same helicopter headset as the two pilots she is also is holding a tablet that shows the same titan map as at the outpost.

A red dot on the tablet titled: UNKNOWN begins moving quickly through the water.


Deploy the Radiation cans.


Yes Ma'am. (speaks to his mic on headphones)

Deploy the cans.

Ext. Pacific Ocean - day

Radiation Cans deploy from the 6 helicopters as they fall into the ocean below and produce large amounts of Radiation.

The cans sink inside.

Out of nowhere a large black turtle-like Titan jumps up from the water and knocks a helicopter out of the air but we pan to inside the helicopter, not showing the turtle.

Int. 2nd Helicopter - Day

A voice comes through the speakers inside the helicopter which is nothing but screaming in terror, the voice cuts out.


Fall back! Repeat fall back!!!


Listen to us fall back!!!

The turtle's hand reaches the right window as it shreds one half of the helicopter and falls down below back into the water.

Ext. Pacific Ocean - Day 

 The lead helicopter flies out the way as the three helicopters behind it follow from behind.

Int. Lead Helicopter - Day

Sarah rushes out of her seat and runs to the two front seats.


We got to call help!


Yes, M'am!

The pilot speaks into his headphone speaker.


(speaking into his headphone speaker)

Dr. Russell, we need your help!

Ext. Monarch Relief Camp - Day

We pan to reveal the Relief Camp and we pan in closer to Mark Russell inside a tent sitting at a table.

As scientists and G-Team members walk past him.

A speaker hangs on the tent as the Pilot's voice continues from the speaker.


(voice from the speaker)

We repeat we need your help, Dr. Russell! Dr. Jacoway led a mission to investigate and brand new Alpha Titan and were being attacked by it! We're off the coast of Seatle in the Pacific Ocean we repeat we need help!

Mark turns and hears the whole conversation.


(talking to himself)

New Titan?

Mark rushes to an emergency button and hits it as a siren goes off.

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