Three Years Later

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Luca never realized how handsome - no, scratch that - gorgeous his best friend was until he saw him knee deep in the waters with a lifeguard outfit on.

It was only a way of appreciating him. Yeah!

But I felt my breath hitch into my throat when I looked at him.

All previous baby fat was replaced with sharp cheekbones, a sharper nose, oh, and that collarbone. His arms more defined in the tank top. But lips quirked in the same smile and eyes just as welcoming and familiar.

It's those stupid boy hormones I learned about in health, I realized, belatedly. I studied him a little more. Was it weird to ogle your best friend?

Alberto's face was as red as his top from my lingering gaze. "I didn't expect you guys to be this early! I was just uh," he hooked a thumb behind him, "getting in a few hours... For something."

My eyes finally moved up to meet his eyes. "Sorry for showing up on short notice. Signora Marcovaldo had to go to an interview and so she-"

"Hey, hey." He gave me a somewhat affectionate noogie, then a hug. "Never apologize for coming earlier for summer!"

"Good to see you too, Berto." He pulled away but kept me at arm's length, holding me steady with his hands on my shoulders.

"Man, Luca! You've changed a lot! Good change!"

Blood rushed to my cheeks. "I- really?" I trapped my tongue between my front teeth before I could spew something out like: 'I can say the same thing about you. You look even more handsome than last summer.'

"Yeah! Like, uh..." He glanced back at the younger kids in the water. As he did, I stole a look at his red cheeks. "I'll elaborate later. My shift doesn't end yet."

Before he could drift back to his group I caught his wrist. He turned around, rosy cheeked and with a woozy smile. "I don't mind sticking around. I miss the fresh saltwater here," I ducked my head underwater as a point, coming back to the surface with scales. "The chlorine pools in Genova aren't as... You know..." I moved my hands around unintelligibly.

"Okay, cool with me." We started wading back, shoulder to shoulder. "Question."


"Have you been dialing down on the pasta?"

"I mean, kind of? Giulia's mom makes great salad. Why?" I tried my best not to look so confused.

"Nothing, well actually. Your jawline," he looked at me sideways with a small smile, "it's... Nicer... Sharper. I like it."

I wondered if I was blushing over my light scales. "Oh. Thanks."

"Not a prob." He said, casually. As if he didn't just turn me into a blushing mess. "I've another."


"Whe- Hey! Hey! Ah, ah, ah!" He was snapping his fingers at a boy. "Too deep, kid. Come on back over here." He gave me a sheepish smile. "Sorry."

"It's okay, seriously." I promised. "I mean, come on, you have a real, legitimate job! Anyway, what was your question?"

"Right. Where's Giulia?"

I had completely forgotten about that detail. I blinked. "Oh, she's explaining to Signor Marcovaldo. You know, us being earlier."

"Makes sense. And Luca?" He smiled, his teeth shined in the sun. "Mi sei mancato*."

"Missed you too."

"And then the lifeguard guy asked..." Alberto lowered his voice to a deeper one. "'D'you think you have what it takes for lifeguarding?' After I swam a lap back and forth in 10.2 seconds he was like: 'Okay, you're in. But every lifeguard has to learn some safety protocols. You are not an exception.'"

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