This One Chance [Bucky's POV]

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I'm standing outside of Zemo's cell. I can't believe I'm about to do this. I can't believe I let y/n talk me into doing this. Who am I kidding? Y/n could talk me into doing anything. I would do anything for y/n. I take a shaky breath and step inside.

"James, how great it is to see you again." I look over at Zemo and he's smiling.

"Zemo do you know anything about the Flag Smashers?" I figure that I might as well get right to the point.

"You know James, I heard that you were keeping my little butterfly safe for me." Little Butterfly... That's what Zemo used to call y/n.

"Don't talk about them." I look right at Zemo. I can't believe I'm even talking to him. He doesn't get to mention y/n.

"James if I know you, my little butterfly is actually here. Aren't they?" I'm not a very readable person, but I also know that Zemo knows my tells better than anyone else. Except for maybe y/n. "I know they are James."

"They're not here Zemo." He raises his eyebrows and smiles at me.

"I want to talk to them." I can't let him talk to them. I have to get back on topic of the Flag Smashers.

"They're not here." I repeat. "Now, Zemo do you know anything about a group called the Flag Smashers?"

"I might, but I don't think I feel like telling you." I roll my eyes. Of course he doesn't want to tell me. "Not unless I can talk to my little butterfly that is."

"No. I'm not going to let you talk to her." I'm as straightforward as possible. I'm not gonna put y/n through that.

"Well then you might as well leave. I'm not going to tell you anything." I stare at him. He's seriously not gonna help unless he gets to talk to y/n. This is bullshit. I turn and I head out the door, leaving Zemo behind.

A Little Butterfly- The Other Soldier (Bucky Barnes x reader) (they/them reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat