Kermit x Reader part 3

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You walk out to the backyard and see kermit

You walk out to the backyard and see kermit

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You go inside to get your bff for help

Y/n: Y/n's bff, Theres a guy outside and i need your help

Y/n's bff: Why?, can't you help him by yourself

Y/n: You need to drive i dont have my car here

Y/n's bff: Fine, just help him get in the back seat.

You go to the backyard to pick up kermit, well you bff gets the car ready

You walk up to the car and put kermit in the back then hop in the front.

Y/n's bff: You ready?

Y/n: Yeah.

The car drives the Y/n's bff's house, Luckly They live alone.

The car rolls up to Their parking lot then parks

You get out and get kermit, well your bff opens the door

You walk inside and put kermit on the couch

You lay down on the other couch

You open your phone and go on [Your pick], as it gets later in the night you put your phone down and fall alseep

At 10:30 you wake up and see that your bff is making breakfast

Y/n's bff: I made you breakfast

They hand you [Your pick of breakfast]

You eat it

Y/n: Thank you

Y/n's bff: No problem

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