Three: Filming Part 1.

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Jennifer was intrigued to hear what he has to say. Frankly she never thought to ask David his answer. They never spoke about what this break can mean for their characters. Both actors just tended to brush it off. Which in turn caused their tension, along with their silent feelings in between.

"I love Ross and Rachel together, there's no denying that. As for the end? I don't think this will be or I hope not because I mean like what Phoebe said they're each other's lobsters!" His comment made the two ladies laugh. "In seriousness I believe the two characters will fight for each other. There's just so much love there that one fight can't erase. Ross is happily in love with Rachel." With that last sentence David put his hand on Jennifer's knee and lightly squeezed it. They've always had that intuition between them where they can read one another. And even though things haven't been the best between the two it doesn't change that. Jennifer just looked up at him and put her hand on top of his.

"One last question since I bet you two have to get ready for your solo scenes. If you can describe Ross and Rachel's relationship and I mean the entire journey in one word what would it be?"

"Soulmates." David said. "Matt Leblanc put it in a good way a few days ago. He said how regardless of what happens between the two of them they will always be linked. They will always have each other. As friends or as each other's partners."

"My word would be forever." Jennifer softly said. At this point Jennifer was just emotional. Not angry or upset but in mourning. Although she can't tell you what she is mourning. "These two grew up together. Her best friend is Ross' sister. They've seen each other at pretty low points in their lives. Ross and Rachel's journey is a forever thing." Jennifer looked at David when she said this surprised to see that he was already looking at her.

"For us Ross and Rachel fans it will certainly be an episode we will never forget." That's when the cameras turned off and the reporter thanked the two actors for their time. Leaving Jennifer and David once again to themselves.

It was the silence that bothered David the most. Everyone around them was running lines and doing their own scenes but saved the specific Ross and Rachel scenes for later on in the day. Or perhaps to tomorrow they weren't quite sure yet. But, the silence in between him and Jennifer was something he couldn't describe. It was different.

"Did I do something wrong Jen?" David asked.

"What? Why do you think that?"

"You've been acting different lately."

"Have I? It's probably just the thought of a long week that's all."

"You know you can talk to me about it right?"

"Not this time David." She tightly smiled and walked away to her dressing room. Her fellow actor following behind her to make sure he gets to the bottom of things. He was confident and honest when he told Jen that what happens between their two characters will not affect them. He will be sure of it.

Courteney, Lisa, Matthew and Matt were filming their scenes together when they saw the two actors leave the set. Making looks at each other Courteney motioned to the director that maybe they should take a break. The other actors caught onto what she was doing and just all nodded in unison. Marta, David and Kevin just looked at them and without saying there looks asked them 'Is everything okay?' to which they all just nodded and Matthew gave them a thumbs up before they also left.

"Do you think they'll finally talk?" Courteney asked the guys.

"I doubt it. I still think that David is clueless to why Jen is even acting like this." Lisa responded. "He still one hundred percent believes that it stems from the Ross and Rachel break up. It probably does but it just amplifies their reality. Jen even said it to us last night. All of this is just a wake up call for her that maybe she just needs to step over the bridge and just get over him."

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