chapter 3:where the story expands

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As I sip my drink I feel A tap on my shoulder so I turn around to see deku towering over me
Dekus pov

As I walk into the bar (y/n) told me she was at. After I saw her I walked over to see her sipping on a drink. So I  went over to her and tapped her on her shoulder." Hey (y/n) I'm here to bring you home."actually  lets chill here.  Take a seat" she said patting the seat next to her so I took it.

3rd pov

As we sat there drinking and talking when (y/n) heard her favorite song l." Omg I love this song come on izu dance with me !" You said as you drag izuku on the dance floor. As your favorite song streets-by dojo cat plays you start grind your bootom on izukus you through it back on izuku smirks and grabs your hips setting he pace. Thats when you feel deku grab your chin and turned your face to left then your lips met. You were surprised but kissed back .

(Y/n) pov

As we continue to grind up against eachother I felt little midoriya  pirk up. WhenI felt him I gasped a little and midoriya took that as a opportunity to push his tounhe into my mouth. Exploring it with curiosity,passion, and Lust . Then I had to broke to catch my breath when   I heard him whisper in my ear" lets get out here" he says as he licks my ear."y-yeah lets go" I say as I think"I am lucky that he can't se my blush."

Dekus pov

As we leave I put a $100 on the bar and leave with (y/n) in toe. As we get inside she grabs my face and starts kissing me. So I kiss her back then pick her up bridal style and take her to my room. As I lay her on my bed I start kissing down her neck earning little moans from hear which just turns me on more. Thats when I come back up to taste her lovely lips. As we kiss I start on zipping her dress as she takes of my dress coat and unbutton my shirt.after we finish taking of eachothers clothes she breaks are kiss to tell me " this is my first time" I canvtell she was blushing even though I couldn't see it."hey, your my fist too lets learn to gether I lay leave chaste kisses on her lips "okay" (y/n) replies as I deepen kiss and have a little fun 😏.


(y/n)s pov

When I woke up I saw myself cuddled up to deku."he looks so cute when he sleeps."I think as I gave quick peck on the lips, and slide out his grip and get out bed I feel pain shoot through my lower back and hips."dang izuku" I say in my mind as I stand up and grab his shirt of the ground and make my way down stairs to the kitchen.

As I look in his fridge I have a craving for waffles and eggs. So I look in his walk-in pantry and find The waffle iron so I got cooking. As cook I start singing and dancing when I felt two strong arms wrap around me.I turn my head to see deku sleeply resting his chin on my shoulder."good morning izu" I say as he kisses me up and down my neck." Are you okay I didn't go to hard on you last night?" He asked with worried laced in his voice. I'm fine just a little sore. You say finishing breakfast. "Come on izu breakfast is ready." I tell him as I put the eggs on the plate. "Go to take a seat at the table. " I tell him as he lets go of my waist.when he day down I say his plate down infront of him."what is this? "He asked me as he looked at it."this is a American breakfast waffles,eggs, and French toast. Pointing to each One of them.I hope you like it." I say sitting in the chair in front of him."w-well thanks for the food." He says as he bites into the French toast. "Wow this is amazing (y/ n)!" He tells me. "I'm glad you like it. "I say in reply. As I me and izuku eats breakfast I get a message from my assistant.
{We need you at the office now its important} I read to myself." Is everything okay?" Izu asks me bring our dishes to the sink. "yeah,  my assistant just told me that she needs me at the office. " I answer him."really I can bring you if you need to." He told me. "You would do that for me?!" I ask him."yeah what kind of man I would I be if I made my woman get a
Uber?" He says as comes over to me and kisses me." You wouldn't be a good one." I tell him I between kisses. When al of a sudden deku's phone goes off. When checks it he has a confused look on his face."what is it izu?" I ask him as he shows me his phone. He has a message to show up to his agency to."what is this?" He says in a confused voice. "I don't know but lets go see." You tell him,"but we need to stop at my apartment first". You tell him."okay lets go." Deku tells you as he ones upstairs and grabs his bag with his hero gear.

3rd pov

After deku got his hero gear you two rush out of his house and drive to your house. You run inside grab your hero gear and run back out to dekus car. You first pull up to your agency kiss him bye and run inside, then deku drove as fast as he could without  breaking the law. When he got their and changed into his hero suit. "There better be a fucking villain on a rampage." Izuku says as he opens the door to his assistants office. "How did you know sir?" Wait... there's a villan on a rampage?" Izuku says confused that he was right.

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